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FIFA 14 Ultimate Team | Everything You Need To Know |

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team | Everything You Need To Know |Posted:

  • Powerhouse
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Hey guys, KhalifaBruh here and I in my time here I have seen a lot of "How do i trade" and "Need some starter tips". I thought I could try and do something to help all beginners to thee game and everyone else who needs some tips on how to become a ultimate team 'Pro'.


1) Have a plan - If you have a clear plan, you will make smart decisions withe your roster and be able to further your team quickly and efficiently.

2) Use quality resources - There are many places around thee internet dedicated to giving you information you need to be an effective team-builder in FUT. Be sure to use these, because they will save you from spending ridiculous amounts on players. [ I recommend [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] ]

3) Stay offline to start - For thee most part, you're going to want to refrain from thee urge to go online right away. If you jump in too fast, you'll find yourself matched up withe players withe unbelievable teams that can quickly turn you off of thee mode

Building A Squad

The very first thing you should do withe your squad is play thee Starter Cup under Single Player Tournaments. This tournament is on Amateur difficulty and has no squad requirements. After beating this, you should have about 2,000 coins on top of thee 3,000 you are given at thee start of thee game. Withe 5,000 coins you'll have a great starting amount.

Use that 5,000 coins wisely! Don't start picking up players randomly. Go into thee Transfer Market withe a plan for your squad. This is thee time when you are going to need to make a decision about thee chemistry off your squad. Do you want to it to be based on a nationality, a league, or even a single team?

To have thee best team you can, your going to start looking for gold players.

Gold Cards In thee 3 Main Leagues

Barclay's Premier League (England) - 237
Serie A (Italy) - 192
Liga BBVA (Spain) - 175

Gold Card By Country (3 Examples)

Brazil - 154
Spain - 133
France - 98


Chemistry is an extremely vital element in your squad, It determines how your players will play thee ball between them and who makes runs for each other. A average team withe full chemistry will perform better then a team of amazing players withe no chemistry.

The simple lesson is to play people in their correct positions withe friendly players around them. The more players you have from thee same team, league or nation, thee higher chemistry rating you'll enjoy.

There are a total of 19 different Chemistry Styles that can be applied to a player. Many of these styles boost 3 of thee categories to 2 chevrons, but there are also some that boost 2 categories to 3 chevrons.

There are also a total of 5 Chemistry Styles for goalkeepers that have thee same effect on them, but for their ratings of Diving, Handling, Kicking, Reflexes, Speed and Position.

The Transfer Market

Withe thee sheer amount of auctions happening at any time there could literally be hundreds of thee card you are looking for up for sale. Never go into thee auction house blind. If you just hop in, there is a pretty decent chance that you are going to end up withe a bad deal.

Before jumping into thee transfer market you're going to want to go to a site like to narrow down which player you want. On FUTHead, once you find that player you'll be able to see thee average price he has being going for recently. If you go in blind, you might see a card for 3,000 coins and think it's a great deal - only to find out that card is actually worth less than half that and there were 20 cards of thee same player you could have gotten for cheaper if you just searched a little more.

In this years version of FIFA Ultimate Team you can search by name. This is a huge addition. In thee past you could easily get tricked into buying an incorrect player just because you had a lapse of concentration for a second. Its recommended that you almost exclusively search by name for thee player you want.

Not only is using a site like FUTHead a great way to save time and money when searching for new cards for your squad, but it can also be useful for selling thee cards you no longer need. By knowing a players average value you'll be able to easily sell cards quickly by putting them up at prices around their value. Rather than having a Transfer List full of players that are mispriced, you'll be able to quickly clear through them, and even know if its even worth trying to sell them. You'd be surprised how many cards rarely sell for more than their drop value.

Becoming "Rich"

There is simple techniques to working towards earning some serious coinage!


Time is money everywhere. And in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team its not different. You'll need free time to apply some coin-earning tactics. The more time you have, then potentially thee more chances you'll have to earn lots of coins.


Its a fact: 90% of thee players that read this kind of article are looking for a magical solution for their financial problems. The large majority wont get past this phase because they're not disposed to work.


Stay calm, you need to have patience. You wont get rich tomorrow or even on thee following day. Many of thee methods that are used to earn coins require that you have a lot of patience. Everyone who is rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team also started for having almost nothing.

Market Knowledge

Knowing thee market in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team is very important. Use thee database or add your targets to your transfer target list and monitor thee behaviour of these cards and watch thee market. Knowledge is power.

If you meet these conditions, you may be ready to become rich. And thee best way to do it is withe trading.

Trading methods

59th Minute Method

By default, thee duration of any item that is auctioned is one hour. This means that thee last cards to be put into circulation can be found on thee 59the minute of bids list. If you update thee page several times, you can find thee cards on sale and buy them.

Who puts items on sale at prices far below what buyers are willing to pay for them. They do it through ignorance of thee market or simply by mistake. Did you know that there are silver cards that worth more than half a million coins ? Apparently you could also get rid of a card that others would consider a bargain. And, thanks to thee supersonic speed at which we put thee items for sale, who never made a mistake in giving them a wrong price?

Most of thee players who bet on 59the Minute Meted believe that this is thee only way to build a good squad. They spend some time trying to make a small fortune and most of them just give up. It takes too much time and patience.

Last Minute Method

In thee Last Minute Method, you try to take advantage of some good opportunities in thee last minute of auction.

If you pay attention to thee auctions that are ending and if you have a good knowledge of thee FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market, you can filter and bid thee most attractive cards.

This method only works if there are cards withe very attractive prices on thee last minute of thee auctions. And yes, there are. Many times thee prices remain low until thee end because, consciously or not, most of thee people apply this method. They know that if they bid long before thee end of thee auction, they will eventually be overcome. That's why they wait for thee last few seconds to try to buy thee cards they want.

Any company dreams about being able to win against thee concurrence, even if in order to do that it would be necessary to buy thee other company, so that they can rule thee market. This means, as we have seen, that thee consumers will not be thee ones to define thee prices of thee products any more. The price will now be fixed by thee seller, which naturally implies very considerable profit possibilities.

Price Fixing

The Price Fixing, also known as monopoly, is considered cheating by some players but thee truth is that it is a good marketing strategy. It is one of thee most advanced trading techniques in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. It consists in acquiring a big quantity of thee same card so you can fix its price on thee market and get high profits. Its not an easy method, even because it implies much availability and a big budget, but thee profits can be fantastic.

To apply this method, you should know thee market very well and choose thee niche which you will attack. Focus preferentially on a single card. Try to buy all of them on thee market except those which are at an unrealistically high price. After buying almost all thee cards, store them for at least a few hours. This will make thee market feel thee lack of these letters and players will be willing to pay a good price for them.
The next step is to monetize your investment. You can put thee cards on sale at thee price you want. As you hold almost every card, you can set your price. Obviously if you are too ambitious, you may not find anyone who will pay for them. As thee goal is to be thee only holder of that card, you should continue to buy it even after starting its sale. In that case, buy all thee cards that are on sale at a lower price than thee one you set.

The Price Fixing is very popular to thee FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players. However, due to its complexity, it is very rarely applied. Please read carefully our tips in order to have success withe this method:

You don't need to buy all thee cards

Many Price Fixing beginners think that in order to set thee price, they need to buy all thee cards. This is not true.
If you are applying thee method to a particular card, you do not need to buy thee cards that have a higher price that thee one you have set.
Imagine, for example, that you are buying all Bundesliga Manager cards. If your goal is to set thee price at x coins, then all thee cards are on thee market at a higher price are not relevant to you because they will not give you profits and they will not disturb your plan.

Don't make Price Fixing alone

This method gives a lot of work, since you have to monitor all thee cards that are released in thee market, and it requires that you have a very large budget. Doing it alone is just for some.
Many players choose to apply it in partnership withe others because thee chances of success are greater. They can monitor thee market in shifts and they have higher liquidity for investments.

Store thee largest possible number of cards

One of thee Price Fixing problems has to do withe where to store all that cards. The most common solutions are:

Choose thee cards well that you will set thee price of

Most of thee players choose thee wrong cards to make Price Fixing. They do that because they do not realize that thee FUT 14 market works like a real market.
The fewer cards there in thee auctions, thee easier it will be to set a high price.
To choose gold cards or very popular cards is a bad strategy. They are continually being released in packs and you will have great difficulty in monitor them and buy them all.

If you have enough budget, thee ideal target for Price Fixing are thee In Form cards. They are released in packages for a very limited time, which means that it is extremely easy for you to control them and set thee price you want.

Do not sell many cards at once

When you start selling thee cards that you bought, you should not place many cards in thee auction at once. Remember that being rare is what makes them valuable.

Also avoid putting several cards in row for sale on thee transfer market. It will become clear that you are Price Fixing, which can be proved by thee name of Seller. In that case, buyers will tend to give up on thee cards.

200 Coin Method - Thanks to Persist!

Basically you set your search restrictions to 200 coins max price and quality to silver then you bid 200 coins on all the rare silver players that you can find.

Once you have bid on as many as you can you wait for them to expire (you won't win them all so be sure to bid on a lot) and when they've expired you can quick sell them for 220+ coins each. It's a small profit but when it's done on a large scale you can make 10-20k easily.


Finishing Moves
Point to the Sky Hold LB, Press B.
Le Cirque LaBelle Hold LT, Flick RS Down, Up.
The Pitbull Hold RB, Press B.
Respect Hold LB, Press B, B.
Standing Archer Hold LB, Hold RS Right.
Bottom Dance Hold LB, Press X, X.
Movember Hold LT, Press B, B.
Signature Finishing Move Press A.

Lvl 1 Muevelo Hold LB, Flick RS Right, Left.
Lvl 29 (Bundle)
Belly Flop Hold LB, Press X.
Riding the Wave Hold LB, Press Y.
The Business Hold LB, Flick RS Down, Down.
Lvl 31 Calm Down Hold LB, Press Y, Y.
Lvl 47 The Bear Hold LB, Hold RS Up.
Lvl 55 Chicken Dance Hold LB, Flick RS Up, Down.
Lvl 57 Gallop Dance Hold LB, Press RS.
Lvl 88 Patty Cake Hold LB, Flick RS Right, Right.
Lvl 100 Riding the Cat Hold LB, Hold RS Down.

I hope I have helped everyone who looks here for advice, this took me a hell of a long time, so some feedback would be appreciated. I will be updating regularly. If you have any tips or trading guides hit me up and I will be sure to include them.

Thanks for reading.

Good Luck!

Last edited by Mxtt ; edited 3 times in total

The following 3 users thanked Mxtt for this useful post:

Xavi (05-18-2014), Persist (05-18-2014), Wenchezlo (05-17-2014)
#2. Posted:
  • Winter 2022
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This isn't a bad post man, just had a quick read over some of the topics and it's decent! Glad to see more helpful people in the forums.

Keep up the good work.

EDIT: Maybe add some colour or pictures instead of just text to make it easier to read and more appealing to people.
#3. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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NateRobinson wrote This isn't a bad post man, just had a quick read over some of the topics and it's decent! Glad to see more helpful people in the forums.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks a bunch, Wanted to do my bit as a new member...

Appreciate the feedback...
#4. Posted:
  • Winter 2016
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Very helpful post. One thing is you forgot to put that headers are OP in this FIFA.
#5. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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DeluxeHazard wrote Very helpful post. One thing is you forgot to put that headers are OP in this FIFA.

thankyou also for your feedback, I will be sure to add that in!
#6. Posted:
  • Christmas!
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Amazing post man! Extremely helpful!

To improve I would maybe include some tips + tricks for defending and attacking?
#7. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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-Sudzy wrote Amazing post man! Extremely helpful!

To improve I would maybe include some tips + tricks for defending and attacking?

That is a great Idea, will be sure to give credit to you.

will add some gameplay tips!

thank you!
#8. Posted:
  • Comment King
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A really detailed post to be honest!

Saw it and thought it would be just another rubbish thread but fair-play it's very detailed!
#9. Posted:
  • Wise One
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Damn man really detailed
#10. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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Thanks everyone!

Adding some more in too!
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