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Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey

Tutorial Name: Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey  

Category: Video Game Cheat Codes

Submitted By: Loke

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Views: 1,038

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion


Hidden teams
At the options screen, hold L and press C-Right, C-Left(2), C-Right, C-Left(2), C-Right, C-Left(2). If you entered the code correctly, the tenth digit of the "Specials" option will change to the number "1". Now the Williams Entertainment, Canada, USA, and 99er teams will be available for selection.

Player trades
At the options screen, hold L and press C-Down(2), C-Up(2), C-Down(2), C-Right(2), C-Down. If you entered the code correctly, the eight digit of the "Specials" option will change to the number "1". Then, return to the main menu, select the records option and enter the team stats screen. Now press C-Up(10). A modify teams menu will appear. Highlight a team and press A, highlight a second team and press A again. The first team's roster will appear on the left side of the screen. Press B to change the team on the right side of the screen. Press Up or Down to highlight the player to be replaced; press Left or Right to highlight the replacement player. Press A to make the trade. Press Start to advance to the next team to modify. Note: Only two custom teams can exist at once.

Constant fights
At the options screen, hold L and press C-Right, C-Left(2), C-Right, C-Down, C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Left, C-Right(2), C-Left, C-Right, C-Left. Now fights will break out constantly.

Invisible players
Pause the game during the opening face off and select the replay option. Then, press L or R to cause a player to flash. Now while the player is flashing, press Z to make him invisible. The entire team can be modified in this manner.

Two-player practice mode
On the main menu, highlight practice mode and press A on controllers one and two simultaneously.

View developers
At the title screen, press A(20).

View company sponsors
In the options, setup, or audio menus, press Z. Now an advertisement will scroll across the lower part of the screen. A different ad appears each time Z is pressed.

Guaranteed goal
Place the player with the puck between the face-off circles and press A + C-Down.

Lose game
Pause the game and enter the options menu. Then, hold L and press C-Left(9). If you entered the code correctly, the seventh digit of the "Specials" option will change to the number "1". Resume the game. Now the score will change to "Them 1 - You 0" and the game clock will be set to "0:00". To activate this code without ending the game, use it immediately after a goal or at a face-off before the puck is dropped.

Opponent choice
Go to the team select screen. Then, choose an opposing team and press the C-Right(3). Now select your team, and start the game.

Quick game
Go to the main menu and highlight the play game option. Then, hold any C button and press Start. Now a game featuring Wayne Gretzky and the New York Rangers will begin.

Control screen position
To re-center any screen, hold L + R. Then, release both buttons to keep the screen in its new position. Hold L + R again to return to normal.

Change player appearance
At the options screen, press C-Down + R, C-Left + R, or C-Up + R. Then, modify the first six bits of a 16-bit register to change the game by pressing:

C-Down + R (head size, alters bits 1 and 2)
C-Left + R (body size, alters bits 3 and 4)
C-Up + R (height, alters bits 5 and 6)


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