Dungeons of Hinterberg Launches July 18

Since its announcement last year, Dungeons of Hinterberg is a game that many have had their eyes on. Set in the Austrian Alps, where players will be exploring magical dungeons during their virtual vacation, the action RPG has made some intriguing promises, and at Microsoft’s recent ID@Xbox showcase, we got another new trailer for the title.

Primarily, Dungeons of Hinterberg’s newest trailer focuses on showing the variety of Zelda-like puzzles that players will encounter in its dungeons, and the abilities you’ll be using as you attempt to solve them and progress further in dungeons. Meanwhile, the action RPG’s striking cel-shaded aesthetic is also continuing to look like one of the game’s highlights. Check out the trailer below.

A release date has also been announced for Dungeons of Hinterberg. Previously given a Summer 2024 window, developer Microbird and publisher Curve Games have now announced that the game will launch for Xbox Series X/S and PC on July 18. It will also be available via Game Pass at launch.

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Source: https://gamingbolt.com/dungeons-of-hinterberg-launches-july-18


"Dungeons of Hinterberg Launches July 18" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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does look pretty decent

will keep an eye out for more vids, especially gameplay ones, before I decide to get it


Haven't really heard of this one.