Armored Core 6 Modders Are Working On A 6-Player Co-Op Mode

Armored Core 6 is a rather solitary experience for the most part, teaming you up with a friendly AI pilot for the occasional mission, and a big competitive multiplayer arena mode your only point of contact with other real-life flesh people. Currently, there is no way to climb into your favorite mech setup and take on the game's challenging tussles together with a friend, but modders are doing their best to make sure it is a possibility in the future.

If you're a big FromSoftware fan, chances are you'll have heard of a YouTuber called LukeYui. They made a name for themselves not too long ago for managing to create a seamless co-op experience in Elden Ring, allowing players to remain in a friend's world even after taking down an area's big bad guy. Luke Yui is now attempting to do the same with Armored Core 6, making it so you can grab a friend and play through the game's missions, from start to finish if you so wish.

While this mode is more than likely quite a ways away from being released to the public, LukeYui recently uploaded a work-in-progress video to their YouTube channel earlier this week, which you can find embedded above. This video showcases the Attack the Watchpoint mission towards the end of Chapter 1, which sees LukeYui and fellow modder inuNorri take on several challenges, culminating in a tussle with the infamous Balteus boss battle.

Now, since Armored Core 6's single player campaign wasn't intended to be a cooperative experience, LukeYui has to do a lot more work to make sure everything is balanced. In the description of the YouTube video embedded above, the modder claims that while nothing has been balanced in the work-in-progress video, they plan on implementing enemy scaling for the full release, and the host will be able to set the enemy scaling depending on how many other players there are.

They also explain that every single mission in the game will be playable in co-op once the mod launches, and that your party of players will persist between missions, so you won't need to keep reconnecting. LukeYui doesn't put a date on when the mod will be released, but they do mention that it's currently only in alpha, suggesting we're in for a little bit of a wait.

In other Armored Core 6 news, popular YouTuber Zullie The Witch recently managed to get accurate measurements of the game's massive satellites that you see in the finale and compared their size to that of Elden Ring. Turns out they're pretty big, as just one satellite from Armored Core is enough to cover Elden Ring's entire map.

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"Armored Core 6 Modders Are Working On A 6-Player Co-Op Mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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hope they will stretch it to 10 or 12 co-op mode soon


6 player co op ! Sounds fun if it was for a different game lol