Quantum Error Has Gone Gold Ahead of Horror FPS’s PS5 Release

Teamkill Media officially confirmed on social media that its cosmic horror FPS Quantum Error has finally gone gold.

Quantum Error was one of the first PS5 games we got a look at in the months before the console’s launch in late 2020, but the pandemic meant the wait to see it in action has been a bit longer than anticipated.

It’s been developed in Unreal Engine 5 and will only come to current-gen systems in order for Teamkill to get the most out of its game. A PS4 version was planned initially, but was recently canceled. The game had previously been a PlayStation exclusive, but backlash saw it confirmed for Xbox as well.

Despite this good news, the game still doesn’t have a concrete release date, but Teamkill was previously aiming for a 2023 release, and that looks very much like it will be the case now.

The story of Quantum Error sees a group of firefighters called out to the Monad Quantum Research Facility off the coast of California. A massive blaze has broken out and a lockdown launched, so the firefighters must rush to rescue as many people trapped there as possible.

Unfortunately, the fire proves to be the least of their problems, as something far more sinister lurks within the facility. You’ll have to utilize firefighting tools and your equipment to navigate an increasingly hazardous environment that is becoming something well beyond your qualifications.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/08/07/quantum-error-gold/


"Quantum Error Has Gone Gold Ahead of Horror FPS’s PS5 Release" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Runts looks pretty dope , havent seen a decent fps horror game really since F.E.A.R

Yeah, F.E.A.R was abolutely great

this looks it's going to be amazing, everything crossed it turns out to be true


I haven't got a clue what this game is but it looks pretty good! Love a good FPS/Horror. Again, PlayStation exclusive?


looks pretty dope , havent seen a decent fps horror game really since F.E.A.R