Major Nelson Is Leaving Xbox After 20 Years

Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb is leaving Xbox after 20 years at the company. Xbox is a company that is known for having a collection of faces that fans can recognize and interact with. The biggest one fans probably know of is Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox. He has a pretty charming personality and a fun stage presence that removes a lot of the slimy business-y side of an executive like that and focuses on fans first. He's pretty reachable on social media and is constantly doing on camera interviews, but there are many others who fans reach out to for Xbox-related conversations and questions. If you've been an Xbox player, you likely know the name or at the very least, the face of Major Nelson.

Larry Hryb AKA Major Nelson has been at Xbox for 20 years and has hosted numerous shows, events, and podcasts for the company in that time. He used to pop up all the time on the Xbox 360 dashboard with weekly shows promoting new games, updating fans on Xbox news, and so on. Sadly, Hryb has announced that his time at Xbox is coming to an end. Major Nelson will be no more at Xbox after two decades, he noted he is taking the next step in his career, but sees a bright future at Xbox. It's unclear if he will continue to be in the gaming industry or if he will be taking on a less public role. Phil Spencer and the official Xbox Twitter account also gave Major Nelson a kind farewell in their own posts.

"Larry, it has been awesome to work alongside you on this journey," said Spencer. "Thank you for being a friend, and for everything you've done for our Xbox community and team."

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great things always come to an end


Didn't think this day would ever come, even though I haven't been a Xbox fan for awhile now, he's been apart of my journey when I first started gaming!


Didn't think it would take this long. Must've been a nice ride for him