LittleBigPlanet Developer Teases New PS5 Game

Media Molecule, the studio most well known for its work on the LittleBigPlanet series, has now confirmed that it's developing another game that should come to PlayStation 5 consoles down the road. In recent years, Media Molecule's main focus has been Dreams, which was first released on PS4 back in 2020. Since that time, Media Molecule has continued to support Dreams with routine new updates, but now, this will be coming to an end so that the company can move on to a new project.

In a message posted to the official Dreams website today, Media Molecule confirmed that its ongoing updates for Dreams will be wrapping up at the start of September 2023. The game itself will still be available to download and play, but Media Molecule will no longer be releasing new content as it begins to work on another game. Currently, details about this new title remain shrouded in mystery, which means we don't know when it might formally be unveiled.

"As we continue to evaluate and evolve our priorities for the studio and Dreams, we've made the difficult decision to discontinue live support for Dreams after 1st September, 2023 to shift our focus to an exciting new project," Media Molecule said in its statement. "We're incredibly proud of the work we've done in developing Dreams – such as our content releases, Create updates and live events – and we are endlessly grateful to the community for their belief and continuous contributions since launch."

When it comes to this next game from Media Molecule, it's hard to know what direction the studio might move in. Although LittleBigPlanet is the developer's most popular series, Media Molecule itself hasn't worked with the franchise since 2014. Because of this, it seems most likely that a new IP will end up being what comes about from the UK-based company, but only time will tell if this proves to be accurate.

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we seriously don't need a LBP on the PS5 ffs


Ah id imagine this being more of an Xbox game title.