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Devil May Cry HD: Achievement Guide

Tutorial Name: Devil May Cry HD: Achievement Guide  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

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Warming Up: 10G

You shouldnt have too much trouble here. Just make sure you do as much as possible in terms of powering up your character on this playthrough as it will make the harder difficulties significantly easier. Completing the game on easy automatic mode does not count for this achievement.

Boiling: 20G

Hard mode will unlock after you beat the game on normal mode. Providing you have maxed your health, devil gauge, and purchased all skills on your first run, this should be even easier than normal. Just remember not to get too cocky as enemies are far more aggressive and do more damage. Devil Trigger is perhaps the best method for completing this mode - so abuse it whenever you have it.

Combustible: 40G

Dante Must Die mode is unlocked once you beat the game on hard mode. Enemies here are extremely aggressive, do lots of damage, and have more health than on hard mode. Enemies themselves can also use Devil Trigger here, which is the most challenging part of the mode. When enemies use Devil Trigger, they do not suffer from hit-stun - which means they can interrupt combos. This can cause a significant amount of frustration while attempting this mode.

In terms of general strategy, you need to completely change the way you approach the game and try to be less aggressive and consider tactical approaches more (as in what works against what enemies). It will be slow and you will die a lot, but patience and perseverance will get you through. The fact that you should by now have maxed everything should make this easier. Remember to abuse Devil Trigger and if you have money to buy regenerative items they're definitely helpful.

Smashing Sensation: 5G

You should get this just by playing through the game. If not, here are the requirements for each S Rank:

Mission 1: 6:00, 400 Orbs
Mission 2: 7:00, 450 Orbs
Mission 3: 3:00, 550 Orbs
Mission 4: 4:00, 550 Orbs
Mission 5: 2:00, 100 Orbs
Mission 6: 3:30, 250 Orbs
Mission 7: 3:00, 650 Orbs
Mission 8: 3:00, 585 Orbs
Mission 9: 8:00, 1500 Orbs
Mission 10: 4:30, 600 Orbs
Mission 11: 5:30, 1000 Orbs
Mission 12: 4:00, 700 Orbs
Mission 13: 2:30, 200 Orbs
Mission 14: 5:00, 500 Orbs
Mission 15: 10:00, 1400 Orbs
Mission 16: 6:00, 1000 Orbs
Mission 17: 7:00, 600 Orbs
Mission 18: 6:00, 900 Orbs
Mission 19: 3:30, 900 Orbs
Mission 20: 4:30, 700 Orbs
Mission 21: 5:00, 700 Orbs
Mission 22: 5:00, 0 Orbs
Mission 23: 7:00, 600 Orbs

Redemption: 15G

This accumulates throughout your other playthroughs, but if you are trying to max everything and buy everything in your first playthrough, you will get it then.

Some good missions to farm orbs are:

Mission 4:
After you kill Shadow, while in the courtyard, run up and around the balcony into the room where you knock back the statue to reveal a hatch. Drop down the hatch into the room where the shotgun and judgement key/staff were, then into the long corridor and back into the courtyard where you started. Keep running this route and you should get 250+ orbs per run killing puppets and witches. This is a good early grinding route.

Mission 9:
After you kill Griffon, and use Ifrit to light the torches enter the next area. Proceed until the door shields, kill the puppets, and enter the next area. Keep passing through these two areas for a mixture of lizards and puppets.

Mission 16:
In the room with the Airplane, if you just keep entering and exiting where you came in you can fight the blue doppelgangers. If you time it right, you can fight a constant stream of these guys in a never ending battle.

Gun Collector: 10G
Gun Locations as follows:

Shotgun: This is in Mission 2 in the Library where you collect the Staff of Judgement. It is on the balcony opposite where you collected the Rusty Key. You'll need to destroy the table and it will be lying on the floor.
Grenade Launcher: On Mission 8 collect this from a corpse near some machinery just after lowering the drawbridge.
NeedleGun: On Mission 12 when you enter the ghost ship head to the deck and kill the Lizards. It should be near a green door.
Nightmare Beta: On Mission 15 there are two rooms to the left and right of the main door where you can use the shield to get the Luminite and the Pair of Lances. It doesn't matter which door you enter first - the first door you enter will give you the Lances and Luminite. After you get these items head to the other shield door to find the Nightmare Beta

Every Knee Will Bend: 10G

When you first start the game, you will be instantly set to normal. On Devil May Cry 2, normal mode is the equivalent of easy mode on the original Devil May Cry and it is the only game to not feature and Easy mode.

To each this achievement, either beat the story as Dante or Lucia. It doesn't matter who you choose, however is should be noted that Dante has 18 missions to complete, and Lucia only has 13.

Normal Mode Stats:

Lesser demons and bosses health: 100%
Lesser demons and bosses damage: 100%

Over 9000! 20G

To unlock this game mode you must first beat the game with either Dante or Lucia. The Bloody Palace mode is a gauntlet-style survival mode where you will face waves of various enemies and bosses. At the end of each wave you are given 3 portal choices:

A portal that takes you up 1 level
A portal that takes you up 10 levels
A portal that takes you up 100 levels
This is by far the hardest of the Devil May Cry 2 achievements. You will need to pass 9000 levels of The Bloody Palace without dying and without saving. The upside is that you can take portals up 100 levels at a time, you're allowed to use items, and if you're on an odd number of waves you can skip boss fights.

The biggest down side to this is that after wave 1000 enemies and bosses will start using devil trigger (just like in Dante Must Die mode), making them even tougher to kill.

The best advice for this mode is to wait until after you've beaten the game on Dante Must Die mode (so you're accustomed to enemies devil triggering), use Trish (she's the best character all-around), have your character fully upgraded (devil gauge, health, skills, weapons), have a full inventory, and abuse devil trigger whenever you can use it.

Highest Honor: 5G

At the end of every mission you're awarded a rank. S is the highest rank achievable. The game takes 5 keys things into consideration when deciding you your rank. These are:

Time - How long it took to beat the mission
Style - How big your style combo was
Damage - How much damage you took
Orbs - How many orbs you collected
Items - How many items you used
You will need to earn at least three S ranks and two A ranks or four S ranks and either one A or B rank out of the list above to earn an Overall S rank.

Below are the time and orb requirements for Dante's missions to earn an S rank. They are the same regardless of difficulty:

Mission 1: 8:30, 300
Mission 2: 6:30, 3000
Mission 3: 8:30, 4500
Mission 4: 9:30, 4500
Mission 5: 11:30, 6000
Mission 6: 8:00, 1000
Mission 7: 8:00, 4000
Mission 8: 3:00, 1600
Mission 9: 6:00, 2000
Mission 10: 5:00, 3500
Mission 11: 8:30, 4500
Mission 12: 6:30, 3500
Mission 13: 2:30, 2500
Mission 14: 7:30, 6500
Mission 15: 2:30, 3000
Mission 16: 9:00, 7000
Mission 17: 4:00, 2000
Mission 18: 5:00, 2000
Just choose a mission you think you can get an S rank on and practice it. Remember to not use any item or get hit. You'll also need to get a decent combo rating for the S rank in that category.


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You shouldnt have too much trouble here. Just make sure you do as much as possible in terms of powering up your character on this playthrough as it will make the harder difficulties significantly easier. Completing the game on easy automatic mode does not count for this achievement.