Modern Warfare 3 Twitch Viewership Way Down Compared to Other CoDs

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Twitch viewership has marked one of the weakest debuts for a CoD game on the platform since 2019. Despite high expectations for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the viewership for the latest installment in the series falls significantly behind the viewership of previous franchises' installments.

Modern Warfare 3 has received negative reviews since its recent release, with players expressing complaints and disappointments despite its improved gameplay. Call of Duty is an extremely popular franchise with a storied history of delivering first-person shooters. The previous Modern Warfare installments proved to be a success, raising concerns among fans about the current state of Modern Warfare 3 unable to measure up to the franchise's standards, as illustrated by its Twitch viewership numbers.

As reported by StreamsCharts, Modern Warfare 3 is currently holding the fourth spot in Twitch viewership, trailing behind GTA 5, Fortnite, and League of Legends. Since Modern Warfare 3 launched on November 10, the game has accumulated 15 million hours watched and is currently more watched than Valorant and World of Warcraft. However, its day-one viewership is the lowest for a Call of Duty release since 2019, receiving 3.3 million hours watched on its debut.

In a comparative analysis of the last five Call of Duty releases, Modern Warfare 3 stands out for its underwhelming reception. Despite stable viewership, it falls short of setting new records for the series. Black Ops Cold War, released in 2020, nearly doubled MW3's day-one viewership with 6.5 million hours watched. Even the predecessor, Modern Warfare 2, garnered more attention with 5.3 million hours watched on its launch day, numbers that seem to showcase players' discontent with Modern Warfare 3.

It is worth noting that Modern Warfare 3 is the worst-rated game in Call of Duty history. Criticism of its campaign could be a key factor in its subdued Twitch performance. Fans have expressed disappointment, labeling the campaign as uninspired, lacking direction, and extremely short (4 hours in length). This negative sentiment might have contributed to the game's struggle to generate substantial viewership, especially in comparison to its predecessors.

Modern Warfare 3's failure to set new records or surpass previous installments sheds light on the current state of the game. As Modern Warfare 3 grapples with criticism and subdued Twitch viewership, its journey post-release is poised to be an uphill battle. Whether the developers can address the concerns raised by the community and rejuvenate interest in the game remains to be seen, but the initial response suggests a challenging landscape for the latest installment in the iconic Call of Duty franchise.

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they have been losing their touch with the COD franchise over the last few years anyway


Its a fun game to me good guns and movement and maps idk why its getting the hate fr