Flashback 2 Showcases its Story and Themes With New Trailer

Microids and Paul Cuisset have released a new trailer for upcoming side-scrolling action game Flashback 2, this time around focusing on the game’s story. The trailer gives us a good look at the game’s cyberpunk storyline, as well as some of the visuals of its side-scrolling gameplay. Check out the trailer below.

As the trailer reveals, the game won’t just feature a cyberpunk cityscape, but also more naturalistic environment where the player will have to deal with a jungle, and all of the perils that entails, while also having to fight off enemies armed to the teeth.

Flashback 2 will feature 2.5D gameplay mechanics coupled with 3D visuals. This change also means that enemies will be able to make use of more complex tactics, such as taking cover or running up to protagonist Conrad B. Hart to attack directly. The game will feature a mix of combat, exploration and platforming.

Flashback 2 is slated for release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch and PC on November 16. There will also be a physical release for the console versions on December 5.

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Source: https://gamingbolt.com/flashback-2-showcases-its-story-and-themes-with-new-trailer


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oh wow cool were getting a 2nd one


glad they're releasing a Flashback 2

loved the old Flashback from years ago