Atomic Heart Patch Adds FoV Settings, Bug Fixes, and More

It’s fair to say that Atomic Heart hasn’t enjoyed the sort of critical reception many had been hoping prior to its launch that it would, and though the game’s visuals and its combat have received their fair share of praise, other aspects of the experience, such as its story, writing, and its technical issues, have drawn plenty of criticism. Specifically where the latter is concerned, developer Mundfish has released a new patch for the open world first person shooter to address many of its rough edges.

For starters, as previously promised, the patch has finally added FoV settings to the game, which is something that had been requested by players frequently, while fixes for ultrawide resolution have also been introduced. Meanwhile, the patch also brings with it a long list of fixes for technical bugs, many of which were blocking progress in quests, causing crashed, and blocking achievements. Check out the comprehensive patch notes below for more details.

Mundfish also confirms that the game’s upcoming patches will add subtitle and UI size settings, Steam Deck support, and controller remapping.

Atomic Heart is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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"Atomic Heart Patch Adds FoV Settings, Bug Fixes, and More" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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great game going by gamelay vids, glad they brought patch out to fix problems


Hmmm, I thought the reception of the story had been generally good. I'm about 20% through the game right now and have been enjoying it a lot. I am expecting a very interesting storyline actually. There are some small technical problems but nothing that's seriously impacted my play. Always glad to have bugs fixed though, hopefully I won't run into any now!


This will help they should also make like a gun size smaller option like they did in cod for people who like it taking less of the scream up.