Street Fighter 6 To Headline Next Capcom Pro Tour With $2M Prize

As relayed by EventHubs, following the recent culmination of Capcom Cup IX, Capcom has confirmed that next year's Capcom Pro Tour will feature Street Fighter 6 tournaments exclusively (meaning it will immediately replace Street Fighter V) and that the prize pool will be over $2 million.

Furthermore, Capcom confirmed that the Grand Finals winner, in other words, the person that ends up in first place, will receive $1 million just for themselves. This is a ridiculously sharp increase from the prize pools and first-place winnings of the past; no Capcom Pro Tour has ever handed out more than $250,000 for the winner.

It's got numerous players in the fighting game community reacting to this announcement and expressing their interest to get into Street Fighter 6, such as SonicFox and Justin Wong. It's also got many celebrating Capcom's investment into the FGC and Esports in general. The most recent tournament, Capcom Cup IX, finished only yesterday, and it had Dominican player MenaRD take the trophy for the second time in his career (2017), earning himself $120,000. No doubt he'll want to go for a repeat.

Street Fighter 6 is set to launch on June 2, later this year, and it's set to bring in various new features, such as the Battle Hub mode, a space where you can walk around and interact with other players like an arcade, and the in-game Esports commentators. The title will also include several new characters at launch, such as Kimberly and Juri, with no doubt more to come, as it will most likely be supported with paid DLC just like Street Fighter V was before it.

The next Capcom Pro Tour will probably begin sometime this Summer, following Street Fighter 6's launch, but the actual finals, Capcom Cup X, will presumably take place around a similar time next year, so February 2024.

The tour itself is comprised of different events wherein players must place high in order to eventually qualify for the final tournament. This Pro Tour will feature both offline and online events, and luckily, as previously reported, Street Fighter 6's new input delay reduction feature has been tested to be effective, so online play should be smoother than ever.

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"Street Fighter 6 To Headline Next Capcom Pro Tour With $2M Prize" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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events for these types of games are really fun to watch


I bet DSP would get out of debt if he was to enter this


It's crazy kinda they still make these games.


Who'd have thought being great at a simple fighter game could make you a millionaire? :o