Deliver Us Mars Story Trailer Outlines its Central Premise

KeokeN Interactive may not have set the world on fire with sci-fi adventure game Deliver Us the Moon, but it has its fair share of fans, and for good reason. Its upcoming sequel, Deliver Us Mars, is looking like a promising follow-up that’s looking to improve upon its predecessor in some key ways, and recently at Future Games Show Gamescom 2022, we got another look at the game with a new trailer.

The trailer focuses primarily on highlighting Deliver Us Mars’ central narrative concept. Players will step into the shoes of astronaut Kathy Johnson, who travels to Mars in search of vessels known as ARKs that were stolen by the organization known as Outward. The ARKs, of course, are the key to obtaining technology that can help save a dying Earth. Check out the trailer below for more details.

Deliver Us Mars was previously set to launch in September, but recently got delayed and is now due out on February 2, 2023. It will launch for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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"Deliver Us Mars Story Trailer Outlines its Central Premise" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Looks very realistic and very cool!


Looks pretty cool, this is going to be a very cool game


Nicee Cool trailer lol 202020