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Minecraft Xbox360- How to get downloaded maps on your xbox.

Tutorial Name: Minecraft Xbox360- How to get downloaded maps on your xbox.  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Int

Date Added:

Comments: 5

Views: 10,275

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


You will need:
USB or Transfer Cable
A downloaded map
One of your maps
Horizon or Modio
(This TuT will be using Modio)
The Tutorial
1.Put your map onto your USB through System Settings > Storage > hard Drive > Minecraft : Xbox 360 Edition > Your world > Move to Storage Device
2.Plug your USB in your computer
3.Put your downloaded map on the desktop
4.On modio click open a save then open up the downloaded one from your desktop
5. Then go to Open From Device and open your world
6. Copy your Profile ID and Device ID from your world to the downloaded world.
7. Rehash and resign your downloaded one then click on Save to device on the top right corner of the downloaded map window.
8. Put your USB back into your Xbox 360 and you can either move it back to your hard drive or click USB when it comes up.



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"Minecraft Xbox360- How to get downloaded maps on your xbox." :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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Brendan1233 Do u mean like I can get free map packs with this method?

dumbest question ever.

Do you see any map packs for this game?
I dont.


You should try making a video as well , and attach it o this.

so people can have 2 options

1: written tut
2: vid tut


omg you don't need to **** exchange id are you retarded!!!!!!!!!!


I have a transfer cable, and i am stuck on how you put your map onto it? Could you please explain how you do this?


Do u mean like I can get free map packs with this method?