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How to convert Binary numbers into Hexadecimal

Tutorial Name: How to convert Binary numbers into Hexadecimal  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: Skittle

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Comments: 2

Views: 3,187

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


In this tutorial I will show you how to convert Binary numbers into Hexadecimal, a shorthand for Binary.

Step 1
First, you need to get your Binary number, for this tutorial I will use the number 10010101

Step 2
You will now need to draw out your 8 column, 2 row Binary table, this is where you will figure out the Hexadecimal representation of the Binary number

It should look like this (the row in-between both of the sets of numbers is just to separate them for aesthetic purposes):
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Step 3
8 digits of Binary is known as a Byte
1 digit of Binary is known as a Bit
4 digits of Binary (half of a Byte) is known as a Nibble

You will now need to input your 8-digit Binary number into the second row of the table, as two Nibbles:
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Step 4
Now you will need to know the Letter values you will use in Hexadecimal, here is the number system:
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The reason we use letters is because one Bit can only store 1 digit, so numbers like 10, 11, 12 etc cannot be stored as they are 2 digits. This is why we use single digit Letters.

Step 5
So now we can add up the numbers in the Binary table. We add up the numbers along the top that have a '1' on the bottom. We will do this one Nibble at a time:
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8 + 1 = 9
The first Nibble of Binary can be represented as 9 in Hexadecimal

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4 + 1 = 5
The second Nibble of Binary can be represented as 5 in Hexadecimal

So if we put these two Bits of data together, we can represent the Binary number 10010101 as 95 in Hexadecimal.

You may be wondering why there were no letters involved, this is because the Binary number was not large enough to need Letters in Hexadecimal, but just to make sure you understand this I will give another example:

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8 + 4 + 1 = 13
We know that 13 equals D in Hexadecimal

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8 + 2 + 1 = 11
We know that 11 equals B in Hexadecimal

So if we put these two Bits of data together, we can represent the Binary number 11011011 as DB in Hexadecimal.

We can check this by converting the two digits of Hexadecimal back into Denary (normal numbers):
D = 13
B = 11

We can now put this into a normal Binary table by splitting the numbers up into the 8, 4, 2 and 1 values:
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The table is identical to the one we made earlier, this means we have done this correctly!

If you have any issues, or need any help feel free to PM me!


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I will be using this as practice for my classes so i dont forget it every 6 months for not doing it


Thanks you keep up the good work