Last of Us Part 2 Remastered Dev Hypes Up "Stressful" New Mode

When The Last of Us Part II Remastered arrives on PlayStation 5 this month, it will be accompanied by some new content that was not in the PS4 version. One of the most notable additions to the game is a new mode called No Return. Revealed last month, the roguelike survival mode will have players go on runs with randomized encounters in locations from the main campaign. While many fans were already excited for the mode, Naughty Dog senior character artist Del Walker added to the hype with a new Tweet. Walker called No Return "STRESSFUL" and noted that it's "not recommended for weak hearts."

The Tweet from Walker can be found embedded below.

When starting No Return, players will be able to take on the roles of Ellie or Abby in locations like Jackson and the Channel 13 News Station. Runs will end with boss encounters from the main campaign, but they won't play out in quite the same way. One of the potential causes for stress in the mode is the fact that players will lose the weapons, items, and upgrades they obtained during a run if they get killed. That's to be expected for a roguelike, but it might be unexpected for those that are less familiar with the genre. It will be interesting to see if The Last of Us fans embrace the mode, or if all that stress makes it too hard to enjoy!

The Last of Us Part II Remastered Changes and Additions
The hook for The Last of Us Part II Remastered is that it will take full advantage of the PS5 hardware, offering more impressive visuals and faster load times. No Return mode is one of the bigger additions to the game, and players can also forward to Lost Levels. The Lost Levels include "early-development versions" of three levels that did not make it into the actual campaign. Interestingly enough, it seems that some of the content from the Lost Levels will make its way into the second season of HBO's The Last of Us. In a statement to EW last month, The Last of Us creator Neil Druckmann revealed that "at least one element from a cut level" will appear in the new season. However, Druckmann was quick to note that filming hasn't started yet, so plans could change before then.

The Last of Us Part II Remastered Release Date
The Last of Us Part II Remastered will release January 19th on PlayStation 5. The original version of the game released in 2020, and proved to be a lot more controversial than the original The Last of Us. While the gameplay received praise from players, some elements in the story were not as well-received. Now that a few years have passed and things have calmed down a bit, it will be interesting to see how the remaster is received!

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"Last of Us Part 2 Remastered Dev Hypes Up "Stressful" New Mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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stressful without the new mode lmao


Maybe it'll be like a horde type mode that'll be sweet