Disney PSP Classic Seemingly Headed to PS Plus Premium

Sony‘s set to add a Disney Pixar PSP game to PS Plus Premium classics lineup in the near future, if a rating board listing is anything to go by. 2009’s action-adventure game Up has been rated for the PS5 and PS4 in Taiwan.

PS Plus Premium classics likely getting PSP version of Up
Up was developed for the PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii by Heavy Iron Studios whereas its PSP, PS2, PC, and Mac versions were developed by Asobo Studio — the French developer behind A Plague Tale video games.

According to Gematsu, who first spotted the Taiwanese rating board listing, it’s the PSP version that’s headed to PS Plus Premium. There are differences between Up’s various versions. The PS3 game differs from the PSP and PS2 versions in that the latter are lengthier and allow players to explore and go off the path.

Deluxe players will hope for the PSP version since PS3 game streaming is limited to Premium users in select regions.

As for when Up will be added to the PS Plus classics, that’s anybody’s guess right now. It also remains to be seen if the game will receive trophy support as Sony has left that to developers’ discretion.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/11/13/disney-psp-game-ps-plus-premium-classics/


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I recall playing this on the 360

great times


I do hope we get some of the old psp games more they had some great games. Psp was the best hand held hands down.