Dragon Age Dreadwolf keeps getting delayed internally

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s release “keeps getting pushed back” internally at BioWare.

That’s according to Giant Bomb reporter Jeff Grubb, who said on Thursday that he’d discussed behind the scenes goings on at the EA studio with unnamed sources, following the news that BioWare is making a new round of layoffs.

Earlier this week, BioWare general manager Gary McKay said the company would be cutting “approximately” 50 roles as part of a “shift towards [becoming] a more agile and more focused studio”.

Grubb’s sources claimed Dragon Age: Dreadwolf was once being considered for release in September 2023, but that the game keeps getting delayed.

The game’s target release window was then moved to March 2024 a while ago, but it’s currently planned to come out next summer “at the earliest”, it’s claimed.

However, Grubb also said he thinks it’s “very likely” that the game’s release will get pushed back even further, “probably” to late next year but possibly to early 2025.

EA said in March that BioWare’s Mass Effect team had been drafted in to assist with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf development, while a small group led by Mike Gamble continued pre-production work on the next entry in the sci-fi series.

According to Grubb, the latest layoffs at the studio—other job cuts were announced in June as part of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s transition to a new development studio—mean that more of Gamble’s team will now be reallocated to Dragon Age, resulting in a longer wait for the next Mass Effect.

“If you’re wondering how all of this will impact development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, let me be clear that our dedication to the game has never wavered,” BioWare’s boss said when the job cuts were announced on Tuesday.

“Our commitment remains steadfast, and we all are working to make this game worthy of the Dragon Age name. We are confident that we’ll have the time needed to ensure Dreadwolf reaches its full potential.”

McKay added: “A core veteran team led by Mike Gamble continues their pre-production work on the next Mass Effect. Our commitment to quality continues to be our North Star.”

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Source: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/dragon-age-dreadwolf-keeps-getting-delayed-internally-report-claims/


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people in the group probably know it's not fully ready yet to be released


Hopefully the wait will be worth it in the end.


Still better than pushing it out just for the cash and fans being let down due to bugs or incompletion.