League Of Legends Pro Players Are Staging An Unprecedented Strike

The North American League of Legends Championship Series Players Association (NA LCSPA) has today announced that the league’s players have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a walk-out. Industrial action of this magnitude has until now been unprecedented in esports.

This action comes on the back of Riot’s recent announcement that the league’s franchised teams would no longer be obliged to field an academy team to compete in the North American Challengers League (NACL), the LCS’s feeder competition. Should a team pursue this option, it would result in the academy team’s five players and their support staff potentially losing employment.

Of the ten teams competing in the LCS, only three teams opted to retain their academy teams - Team Liquid, FlyQuest and Evil Geniuses. Phillip Aram, executive director of the PA, told Travis Gafford that Riot lied to them about the future of the NACL, saying “We have been lied to. We were told throughout the process this year by many people at Riot saying changes were being considered for 2024, and that is not what has happened. I found out that they were going to do this the same way you found out.”

In its statement regarding the walk-out, the Players Association elaborated on the decision. “We stand at this impasse because actions were taken by Riot without prior communication or discussion with the LCS players. The LCSPA sincerely hopes Riot will avert this walk out by joining us in the coming days to have open and transparent discussions so that we can forge collaborative solutions to ensure the best futures for the LCS and NACL.”

In a prior tweet, the LCSPA outlined their asks of Riot which are as follows:
Institute ‘Valorant Style’ promotion and relegation between the LCS and NACL.

Riot commits to a revenue pool for player salaries of $300k per NACL team per year.

Allow LCS orgs to partner with affiliates for cost-sharing.

Riot guarantees LCS minimum contracts for the following year for the 5 players who win the LCS summer finals each year.

Institute a 3/5 roster continuity rule to provide players on released NACL rosters first priority in maintaining their slots in the upcoming NACL season if a majority continue to compete together.

Valorant Challengers NA, that game’s equivalent of the LCS, currently employs a promotion/relegation format wherein the league’s bottom four teams are seeded into a relegation playoff, with the top two securing their spot in the league for another year as the bottom two are relegated. An open qualifier is then held to determine the two newly-promoted teams.

The LCS has yet to issue a response to the walk-out and in all likelihood the two entities will continue to negotiate in the coming days. The LCS summer split is scheduled to begin on June 1.

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/league-of-legends-pro-players-striking/


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glad to see the players having a strike

stand up and be counted


At least they standing up. Now if only all the CoD community could come together to change them games