Dead Island 2 Accolades Trailer Highlights Critical Praise

Dambuster Studios’ Dead Island 2 is out today after a long development period. While it remains to be seen if the sales are worth it, the zombie hack-and-slash title has received some decent critical praise. Check out the latest trailer below, which highlights positive responses from critics.

As a Slayer in Los Angeles, aptly called HELL-A after the latest outbreak, players must slay the hordes of the undead to stand a chance of survival. The FLESH System allows for hacking zombies apart in a realistic, procedural fashion. Despite being a linear experience, Dead Island 2 still offers about 20 hours of gameplay when focusing on the story and doing some side content.

It’s available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC.

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been watching some vids on twitch

game looks really great


Pretty cool so far. I like how you can cut the zombies in half