Shadow Warrior 3 Might be Headed to Game Pass

It’s fair to say that of the two games developer Flying Wild Hog released in 2022, Evil West was the one that garnered more praise – though Shadow Warrior 3, which learned earlier in the year for PC and last-gen consoles, wasn’t a damp squib either. Despite its fair share of issues, the fast-paced first person shooter is worth a look – especially for fans of the genre – and it may soon become accessible to a much wider audience.

That’s because it looks like Shadow Warrior 3 could be headed to Game Pass. As reported by several people on Reddit, the Game Pass app has been sending push notifications to users that claim that Shadow Warrior 3 is now available on the service.

Of course, that’s not something that’s officially happened yet, and neither Flying Wild Hog nor publisher Devolver Digital have made any such announcement. There’s always the chance that the aforementioned notification was only an error, but if the game is indeed coming to Game Pass, one would imagine the announcement will be made soon.

In our review of Shadow Warrior 3, we gave it a score of 7/10, saying, “Shadow Warrior 3 strips away much of the extra fluff from its predecessor for a short, straightforward thrill ride packed with violence. Its humor doesn’t always land and the narrative can be slipshod but the gameplay is very fun and backed by solid level design. Just don’t be too surprised at the overall campaign length.”

Shadow Warrior 3 is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and is also playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S via backward compatibility.

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"Shadow Warrior 3 Might be Headed to Game Pass" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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CalicoReidso And it might help game pass to be better

I actually find the options on Game Pass to be great these days


The gore looks pretty cool, but I'm not quite sure on the style...


And it might help game pass to be better


Idk but that weapon looks sickk