Assassin's Creed Valhalla Code Might Reveal 3rd DLC Details

Assassin's Creed Valhalla might be getting content based on the kingdom of Muspelheim if a recent discovery is to be believed! Leaker @xj0nathan has shared some of the game's code on Twitter, and Muspelheim is listed alongside "DLC" and "LocationWorldEntry." If this truly is a new location, it could mean Eivor is headed to the land of Surtr! @xj0nathan has proven to be a reliable source for the game in the past. However, as with any potential leaks, readers are advised to take this all with a grain of salt until Ubisoft makes some kind of announcement. Regardless, the discovery should be pretty interesting for fans!

The original Tweet from @xj0nathan can be found embedded below. The Tweet is in French, but the highlighted code can be seen in an image in English.

In the Tweet above, @xj0nathan acknowledges this could also be cut content, rather than something that's definitely on the way. While dataminers have found hints at a lot of future content for games, often times, there are also hints at plans that didn't come to fruition. That could certainly be the case here, but it's impossible to say for certain.

Released last fall, Assassin's Creed Valhalla has proven to be a critical and commercial success for Ubisoft. The game's setting and storyline made it one of the more unique entries in the franchise, and the way the Norse legends were integrated into the game captivated a lot of players. It's hard to say how Muspelheim might be integrated into the story, but it could make for an exciting addition. For now, fans will just have to wait and see what gets announced next.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and Google Stadia.

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Would love to hear the DLC details.