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Saints Row The Third Your Backseat Smells Funny Achievement

Tutorial Name: Saints Row The Third Your Backseat Smells Funny Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: -NewYork-

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Comments: 1

Views: 1,284

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Your Backseat Smells Funny


Complete all instances of Escort.
Instances: 3 Escort, 3 Tiger Escort

There are two variations of this activity: either you're chauffeuring around a prostitute who is doing her job in the backseat or you're chauffeuring around an angry tiger. Either way your goal is to stay away from the pursuing news/animal control vans to avoid filling the Footage/Rage Meter, while slowly filling the Pleasure/Courage Meter.

In the prostitute variation you will also be asked to perform a variety of other tasks such as powerslides, near misses, driving into oncoming traffic, etc. You may also be asked to kill someone, in which case you should run them over and not shoot them, because shooting them will lower the Pleasure Meter. The meter stops going up until these extra tasks are performed.

In the tiger variation you will have to maintain speed and avoid hitting things, and that's basically it. Going slow angers the tiger as does hitting things, which will cause the tiger to swipe at you causing you to temporarily lose control of the vehicle. You can perform a powerslide to calm him down as well


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This had to be one of my least favorite activities in Saints row 3. While i cleared all of them i really just didn't find it very enjoyable what so ever