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Assassin's Creed III - Side Easter Egg Tutorials

Tutorial Name: Assassin's Creed III - Side Easter Egg Tutorials  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Mortar

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Views: 1,761

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Below are some interesting Easter Eggs for Assassin's Creed III.

Turkey Assassin
To see the Turkey Assassin you need to go to your Davenport Homestead after sequence 6, take cover on the back wall near the porch and whistle. When the turkey appears, target it and put in the konami code. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and he should change into an assassin.

Hackers Movie Reference
A reference the 90's movie Hackers can be heard at the end of the Boston Brawler's side quest. "Mess with the best, Die like the rest" is the line from the movie, and in the game you can hear "Dance with the best, Fall like the rest." To find this for yourself simply complete the Boston Brawler's Side Quest and you can see it during the final mission, The Tournament.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The story from Aesops fables about the boy who cried wolf can also be found in the game a distance north of New York in a secluded camp. Finding his wolf-eaten corpse (he did cry wolf, after all) will cause an errant wolf to spawn near your location, who will immediately attempt to end your life.


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