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[Factorio] How to create an LCD display

Tutorial Name: [Factorio] How to create an LCD display  

Category: Game Walkthroughs & Guides

Submitted By: -Deano

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Comments: 3

Views: 6,820

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion


How to create an LCD display

You will need:
  • A power source
  • Lamps
  • Wires
  • Constant Combinators
  • Arithmetic Combinators
  • Constant Combinators

First, set up your LCD number in an 8 like so:
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Connect all of your lamps in columns followed by a connecting row at the bottom.
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The lamps will be split up into specific sections so we can determine which ones should be turned on with which signals.
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Set the signals of each section to the shown numbers. e.g. The top 3 lamps should all have Signal 1 greater than 0. Ensure you enable colours too.
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Next we need to set each number and what zones should be powered.
For example, to create a "0" we would need to power all zones except from zone 6.
To do this, place down a constant combinator and set the signals.
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Repeat this same method for numbers 0 through 9. If you need help, here are the signals to use:
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You should now have something that looks like this
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Next we need a way to determine whether each number should be enabled. For this we take the incoming signal, "A", and if it is equal to the specific number we want to output a value of "true" or "1".
In the image, I am using "Y" as my signal for true. Set the output to "1".
This will mean that if the incoming signal, A, is equal to 0 then we need to turn on our 0 number on the LCD.
Repeat this step for each number 0 through 9.
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The next step will convert our Y signal into the number to be displayed.
Currently we have a signal Y for whatever our number is, let's say 6, so that Y = 1 only on the row that our number 6 is created in the constant combinator.
Each number must be either true or false. For numbers 0-5 and 7-9, they must all be multiplied by 0 so that they are cancelled as they are not the numbers we want to display.
To do this, we take the incoming signals from the constant combinator and decider combinator and multiply them together. The result is then output to our display.

e.g. Number 0. We do not want this number therefore zones 0,1,2,3,4 and 5 are set to a value of 0.
Number 1. We don't want this so zones 2 and 3 are set to a value of 0.
Number 6. We want to display this number so zones 0,1,3,4,5 and 6 are set to a value of 1.
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Repeat this for every row and you should have the following image:
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We now need to connect the combinators together.
Connect them like so:
Constant combinator output > arithmetic combinator input
Decider combinator output > arithmetic combinator input
This is shown in the image below. Repeat this for every row.
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Now connect all of the outputs of the arithmetic combinator together and connect the top one to the LCD system.
Also connect all of the inputs of the decider combinators together.
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You will now need a way to convert your incoming signal to A so lets say we want to count items in a chest, take the chest output and multiply it by 1 and output A.
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Connect your incoming signal to the constant combinator and connect the output of that to the input of your decider combinator.
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Now you are finished. Whatever item you select in the arithmetic combinator will be counted on the LCD screen (As long as it is less than 10).
I have 5 Blue Belts in my chest and the number 5 is on the LCD screen.
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"[Factorio] How to create an LCD display" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Didn't know you can create an LCD display like this. Nice bro



tutorial is very good.


Thanks a lot for this Deano.