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[HTML] An introduction to HTML / Creating your first webpage

Tutorial Name: [HTML] An introduction to HTML / Creating your first webpage  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: -Deano

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Comments: 1

Views: 849

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) is one of the languages used to translate our content into the stuff you see on your screen.

A markup language typically has 'tags' which define what the content is and how it should be displayed, e.g. a "<body>" tag defines the content which will appear on the screen; it is the body of the document. Tags are followed, usually, by an ending tag such as "</body>" to signify the end of the document.

On to creating your first webpage...

All HTML documents will begin with "<html>" tags as a way for the device to understand what it is that it will be displaying.

Each HTML page is made up of the head and the body.
The head is something which is used for data and other information to be used without displaying it on-screen. Examples of content which you would place in your head section would be which fonts you want to use, where the device can find your other resources such as images and style sheets, the title of the page, and many more.

So to create your first page use the following code:
    <title>My First Webpage</title>
    <p>My first webpage</p>


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Man. Nice guide but still seems hard lol