Advanced Warfare future update to include System Hack tuning

Michael Condrey, the Studio Head of Development & Co-founder of Sledgehammer Games has tweeted out that they have heard the community feedback on the improvements in the last Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game update and that there is more to come. They stated that there will be System Hack tuning.

Here's the tweet that was posted:

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"Advanced Warfare future update to include System Hack tuning" :: Login/Create an Account :: 60 comments

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GOOD! I've literally taken a break from the game due to this; it's needed some major tuning.


yea i hate the system hack


Please for the love of God, they have been needing to nerf this since launch.


The system hacked thing is really irritating they need to get rid of it.


gtapro151 thank you for 1 its to low of a score streak for 2 if you use hardwaired you should be able to use your streaks still

They pretty much took the EMP, which was one of the most OP scorestreaks in previous call of duty games and made it a low value streak. I don't see the logic behind it what so ever

I never really thought the EMP was OP, nobody even really used it. All it did was take all your HUD away for a little, not much. This versions definitely a little more OP, but all you have to do is make it a little harder to get, no need to nerf.


System Hack is one of my favorite kill streaks in all the CoD's, so cool. Just make it a little harder to get, no need to nerf.


gtapro151 thank you for 1 its to low of a score streak for 2 if you use hardwaired you should be able to use your streaks still

They pretty much took the EMP, which was one of the most OP scorestreaks in previous call of duty games and made it a low value streak. I don't see the logic behind it what so ever

yeah but before it was like 15 kills wasent it back in mw3 or somthing? thats resonable

Hence the nerf, but they should just adjust the amount of kills needed to unlock it, really! I'm not really interested in games with an EMP going half of the time, better off playing hardcore


I personally think the system hack itself is a good kill streak that doesn't need to be nerfed, all they need to do is make it a little harder to get.


gtapro151 thank you for 1 its to low of a score streak for 2 if you use hardwaired you should be able to use your streaks still

They pretty much took the EMP, which was one of the most OP scorestreaks in previous call of duty games and made it a low value streak. I don't see the logic behind it what so ever

yeah but before it was like 15 kills wasent it back in mw3 or somthing? thats resonable


Although system hack is rather annoying, if you use hard wired it doesn't effect you.