Sony: PS4 losses will be nothing like those of the PS3

Sony will not generate as large of a loss with PlayStation 4 as it did when it launched PlayStation 3, according to SCE CEO Andrew House.

Speaking in an investors meeting last week, and reported by Bloomberg, House told investors the pricing of PS4 will not cause as large of a loss as PS3 did at launch – the latter of which caused a $3 billion loss.

“We will not generate anything like the losses we did for the PlayStation 3,” House said, as investment in the system is “much, much smaller,” this time out, what with its PC-like architecture.

Still, Sony expects to report a loss in its game division next financial period due to currency exchange rate shifts.

Such looses will be offset in part by sales of PS4, but the firm no longer expects to break-even for the year, but expects earnings to “deteriorate significantly.”

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"Sony: PS4 losses will be nothing like those of the PS3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 110 comments

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I agree with both of you, GibbityTree & HarmfulMushroom. People do only see one feature and they are instantly attached to the console, try looking outside the box and looking at what can actually benefit the average gamer. All the feature that will help you along and your friends along. Don't just go with something like we gave you a headset and loads of other things free in a box because Sony did.


-DNA Why is everyone hating the PS4 and saying that Xbox One is better. If you compared them normally, taking everything into account, all the small details you'll find both consoles are almost the same! Look okay we have to pay for online, but it's still cheaper than the xbox okay. TTGxiPro obviously needs to learn how to spell and grow up a little, also with the PS4 i do recall, the ONLY thing we need to pay for is playing online for games like Call Of Duty, apart from that everything else is free. So would everyone please stop hating the PS4 when they are both equal!

I don't see why people still wan't the XboxDone anyway. They planned to screw people over from the beginning. Only reason why they changed all their shitty policies, is because they knew they were gonna get mopped by Sony. Not because of nerds online saying "IM NOT GETTING XBOXDONE BECAUSE OF DRM BLAH BLAH BLAH" Now everyone is apparently back on Micro$hit's nuts because they changed it up. And didn't Major Gayboy say that they weren't planning on changing anything about the XboxDone because they felt the console would still do good? Lol so much for that...

Oh how clever, "XboxDone," aren't you a creative one.

How exactly were they planning to "screw people over?" The original DRM policy was actually quite innovative and brought some amazing new things to the console. You were just one of the ones complaining rather than actually looking into it. smh.


-DNA Why is everyone hating the PS4 and saying that Xbox One is better. If you compared them normally, taking everything into account, all the small details you'll find both consoles are almost the same! Look okay we have to pay for online, but it's still cheaper than the xbox okay. TTGxiPro obviously needs to learn how to spell and grow up a little, also with the PS4 i do recall, the ONLY thing we need to pay for is playing online for games like Call Of Duty, apart from that everything else is free. So would everyone please stop hating the PS4 when they are both equal!

I don't see why people still wan't the XboxDone anyway. They planned to screw people over from the beginning. Only reason why they changed all their shitty policies, is because they knew they were gonna get mopped by Sony. Not because of nerds online saying "IM NOT GETTING XBOXDONE BECAUSE OF DRM BLAH BLAH BLAH" Now everyone is apparently back on Micro$hit's nuts because they changed it up. And didn't Major Gayboy say that they weren't planning on changing anything about the XboxDone because they felt the console would still do good? Lol so much for that...


TTGxiPro Xbox One Will Win Look What They Added The Xbox Home what ever it Called So That Means Ps4 You Have To Buy a $50 Card So You Can PlayOnline As xboxone We Can Just Share 12month Card on one account so get owwned ps4

I actually have no clue to what you're trying to say.
I'd advise you re-write this in a way that makes sense. Possibly even go the extra mile and Don't Type Like This, It Makes You Look Stupid. :)

But can you honestly expect anything intelligent from someone who has the word "swag" in their avatar?


I agree, PS3 did horrible, but I say PS4 will do amazing!


TTGxiPro Xbox One Will Win Look What They Added The Xbox Home what ever it Called So That Means Ps4 You Have To Buy a $50 Card So You Can PlayOnline As xboxone We Can Just Share 12month Card on one account so get owwned ps4

Hahahaha omg you don't know how hard I'm laughing from this. THX man I haven't had a good laugh in a while.


-DNA Why is everyone hating the PS4 and saying that Xbox One is better. If you compared them normally, taking everything into account, all the small details you'll find both consoles are almost the same! Look okay we have to pay for online, but it's still cheaper than the xbox okay. TTGxiPro obviously needs to learn how to spell and grow up a little, also with the PS4 i do recall, the ONLY thing we need to pay for is playing online for games like Call Of Duty, apart from that everything else is free. So would everyone please stop hating the PS4 when they are both equal!

They all hate because they are a bunch of uneducated fanboys who see one or two things they like so that automatically makes the other system total garbage, the company that makes it incompetent, and everyone who thinks otherwise the stupidest morons to walk the earth. As for me I'm waiting to try each system out before I make a decision, as quite honestly I like both the PS3 and the 360.


Why is everyone hating the PS4 and saying that Xbox One is better. If you compared them normally, taking everything into account, all the small details you'll find both consoles are almost the same! Look okay we have to pay for online, but it's still cheaper than the xbox okay. TTGxiPro obviously needs to learn how to spell and grow up a little, also with the PS4 i do recall, the ONLY thing we need to pay for is playing online for games like Call Of Duty, apart from that everything else is free. So would everyone please stop hating the PS4 when they are both equal!


TTGxiPro Xbox One Will Win Look What They Added The Xbox Home what ever it Called So That Means Ps4 You Have To Buy a $50 Card So You Can PlayOnline As xboxone We Can Just Share 12month Card on one account so get owwned ps4

I actually have no clue to what you're trying to say.
I'd advise you re-write this in a way that makes sense. Possibly even go the extra mile and Don't Type Like This, It Makes You Look Stupid. :)


TTGxiPro Xbox One Will Win Look What They Added The Xbox Home what ever it Called So That Means Ps4 You Have To Buy a $50 Card So You Can PlayOnline As xboxone We Can Just Share 12month Card on one account so get owwned ps4

Xbox would have won without that any way lol