Two of Bethesda’s biggest shooters are headed to the Switch

Two of Bethesda Softworks’ most hardcore shooters will grace the Nintendo Switch with their violence over the next few months.

In the recent Nintendo Direct livestream, launch windows for Doom and Wolfensetin II: The New Colossus on Nintendo Switch were announced. While neither have exact dates, we know that Doom will launch this holiday season, with Wolfenstein II dropping for the system sometime in 2018.

Doom is already playable across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms, giving Nintendo Switch players a good idea of the quality shooter experience it has in store for them. As for Wolfenstein II, the other three platforms will get an early start on the Nazi killing when the game initially launches on October 27th.

In addition to these two shooters, Bethesda has been hard at work porting over The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to the Nintendo Switch. Switch players can look forward to playing this critically acclaimed RPG later this fall.

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"Two of Bethesda’s biggest shooters are headed to the Switch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments

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Xbox Doom was always a fun game to me. Wouldn't think of playing it on the switch though.

Can't think of anything worse tbh.


Doom was always a fun game to me. Wouldn't think of playing it on the switch though.


Switch seems to be getting a pretty good line up of games now. Great to see more games like this arrive.


can't imagine playing a shooter on the switch tbh.


Activez- When I think of a switch... Shooters do not come to mind. I see family friendly games I'd find boring.

I bet they are stupidly slow, or just annoying to play...


That's good, it might help the switch with sales since they are making a wide variety of games available.


Activez- When I think of a switch... Shooters do not come to mind. I see family friendly games I'd find boring.

Same I think rpgs and action type games


When I think of a switch... Shooters do not come to mind. I see family friendly games I'd find boring.