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Rock Band 3: how to import Rock Band 2 songs

Tutorial Name: Rock Band 3: how to import Rock Band 2 songs  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Dean

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Views: 4,386

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Rock Band 3 is ready to receive the 1.93GB Rock Band 2 song export. RockBandAide details the export process (actually a track pack download) that requires $10 and the code from the back of your Rock Band 2 instruction manual, originally used for some bonus downloadable tracks. To redeem the code, go into the "Get More Songs" menu in Rock Band 3 and head on over to the "Redeem Code" option.

The five songs that will not survive the export process are:
AC/DC "Let There Be Rock"
Journey "Any Way You Want It"
Metallica "Battery"
Red Hot Chili Peppers "Give It Away"
Soundgarden "Spoonman"
RockBandAide reports nine songs from Harmonix bands will also not make it through the journey, but don't stop believin' in the company's bands, because they'll reportedly return as free DLC packs. Also, if you'd previously paid for the license transfer for Rock Band 1 tracks, don't worry -- those tracks are all set on your hard drive and ready for rockin'.

The PS3 and Wii export details will be explained once RockBand.com is live again. Also, regarding PS3 imports of Rock Band 2, users will need to wait until the PSN updates later today (same situation occurred with Fallout: New Vegas). For Xbox 360 owners who lost their RB2 manuals, there will be a code replacement service available. We'll update as we learn more.

For those who no longer have their RB2 manuals, Harmonix tweets: "if you need a new code you can get one from EA!" (though there is currently no clear way to request a code from the support page).


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That's pretty cool since the songs currently on RB3 aren't that great.