PC Gaming News

Star Wars: The Old Republic received patch 2.7 "Invasion" this prior Tuesday; the update included two new flashpoints, higher difficulty tier for existing content, a new PVP map, new GSF map and tweaks, and PVP Season 1 reward distribution. Hardcore players can partake in end-game progression raiding by attempting Nightmare Dread Fortress while more casual players can partake in the two new ...read more
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Diablo 3's patch 2.0.4 has officially launched for American gamers alongside the full patch notes; a exact timeframe for the European patch release is unclear. The key changes to note are notable increases to pet survivability when summoned via skills/items, all town hubs now have unique placements of Orek/Kadala/Nephalen to prevent accidental clicking, and a plethora of various tweaks to the ...read more
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Those who have already exhausted the myriad ways to wreck stuff in Goat Simulator will be happy to hear that the game's first patch both squashes bugs and brings new content for your cloven-hooved avatar to destroy. "Goat Simulator patch 1.1 adds local splitscreen multiplayer and a whole new playable map, coming in the middle of May," wrote Coffee Stain Studios in a recent tweet. The developer ...read more
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Preset customizable loadouts are slated to be added to Battlefield 4 tomorrow as part of a Battlelog update according to their official blog. Players will be able to prearrange entire loadouts for each kit; standard players can make up to two and premium up to four each. The presets can only be customized via Battlelog or it's mobile iterations while they can obviously be utilized in game by ...read more
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Van Helsing 2's release date has been pushed back until May 22nd from it's previously established release window of sometime this month. The game's developer, Neocore Games, cited their reasoning behind the delay to be in order for them to further polish the title for retail launch. Van Helsing 2 can be purchased via Steam for the PC and Mac starting May 22nd for $15 USD and up.
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Watch Dogs has just under two months until it launches for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on May 27th; today Ubisoft formally released the official minimum and recommended system specifications for the PC iteration of the title. Just a FYI: Watch Dogs Standard and Deluxe(+$10 of base price) is available now for pre-purchase via Steam!
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GameSpy Technologies is sadly shutting down their online matchmaking service used via their middleware in over a 1,000 games. The company first was created as a Quake server search program way back in 1996 but quickly branched out to support online play for hundreds of console and PC games. Their list of publishing partners include Activision, Electronic Arts, Capcom, Sega, and Nintendo; all ...read more
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The Trials Fusion pre-order beta on Steam is being updated with eight new tracks within the Urban Sprawl environment tomorrow, April 5th. This update also further optimizes the title to allow even lower end hardware such as the AMD Radeon 5770 and NVIDIA Geforce GTS 450. Players who decide to pre-order the game on Steam gain access to a beta client prior to the PC launch date of April 24th, Xbox ...read more
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Press Play has revealed their newest title "Tentacles: Enter the Mind", it is slated for release on all Windows devices by early summer this year. Their game is a loose follow up to their mobile title "Tentacles: Enter the Dolphin", it is expected to be a free-to-play title where players navigate the mind of Dr. Phluff as a eyeball-esque entity.
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Developer Monolith Productions has revealed that their upcoming Tolkien-inspired action RPG, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will arrive at retail on October 7th. Those who take the plunge and pre-order the title will be guaranteed the exclusive "Dark Ranger" DLC pack features a new character skin, new challenge mode and access to the game's online leaderboards. Middle-earth: Shadow or Mordor will ...read more
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