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assassins creed revelations - Make the Headlines achievement

Tutorial Name: assassins creed revelations - Make the Headlines achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Mitzz

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Comments: 2

Views: 2,781

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Accolades are common in many multiplayer games, though usually called something else. It's usually a specific action you do, more than anyone else in the match. There are 4 different sets of them. You only need to gain 13 different ones throughout your multiplayer career. You do not have to get 13 in one match! There are a total of 44 different ones you can get. Because there are so many, the list the ones that are easiest to obtain, and can be obtained at any level.

I have been able to unlock 10 in one single match. If you keep playing and gaining new perks/abilities, you will eventually start getting more.

Note: Before unlocking the achievement, it quotes as saying 12 must be completed. After obtaining the achievement, it then says 13.


The Professional: Had the best kills/deaths ratio

You may get this naturally going for level 20.

The Savage: Had the most contested kills

To get a contested kill, hit on someone trying to kill you. They will get lower points.

The Sacrificial Lamb: The first to die

Easy enough, you will get this naturally!

The Survivor: Died the least

Hide, run, do whatever it takes to have least amount of deaths. Easiest if you join a game that's almost over.

The Target: Died the most

You should get this naturally, being bad at the game or having a bad "day" in multiplayer. If you are a extremely good at this game then you will have to try for it.

The Slayer: Had the most kills

You should get this naturally as you get used to the game. It might be difficult for some people.

The Untouchable: Was never killed

This is easily obtained when joining a match that is about to end. Otherwise, team games are easy to avoid people in. Especially objective based ones because people have other things on their minds. You can go hide in a haystack and wait the timer out.


The Victim: Spent the most time affected by ABILITIES

There are many people that love to use abilities in this game. If you join into games where people use them often, you should get this naturally.

The Improviser: Used the greatest variety of ABILITIES

There are other games where people don't use abilities much at all. Use the abilities with and . You can change your set of abilities when you die by pressing Pick the other set, and do the same. Most people only use one set of abilities so you should not have to wait long to get this.


The Immortal: Stayed alive the longest

This won't happen every game, but if you can avoid confrontation then you might be able to snag this. It's best in team games or games where there are only minimum amounts of players. Do this on team based games that have to do with objectives (like VIP).

The Wanderer: Spent the most time walking

If you leave your controller doing nothing, your character will walk on it's own. You can also walk around yourself, just never run.

The Vicious: Had the most GROUND FINISHES

This is really easy if someone else gets your target, you can go press on them while on the ground. This will randomly happen and you get a free 50 points out of it (if someone took your kill).

The Gargoyle: Spent the most time on rooftops

Very easy, just climb on the roofs and wait.

The Achiever: Finished first, second, or third

The best modes for this are corruption and artifact. You gain points just by walking around most of the time. If you get in a game with the lowest amount of people, it will be easier.

The Drunkard: Was STUNNED most often

This is one of those bad luck based deals. But you can also do it on purpose. Be very obvious when confronting a target and don't kill them. They will slap you or punch you and you will be stunned.


The Savior: REVIVED the most ALLIES

When playing team based modes, if your allies get stunned you can press to revive them. Most people don't do it, so you should only need a few.

The Dependable: Winning team

Be on the winning team. That's a 50/50 chance.

The Elusive: Was acquired the least

This is in the Assassinate Mode. It's actually a very difficult mode because you have no target you must acquire them. To do that, you must press and hold it down on random people until you get one that is a real person and not an AI. Just avoid people and look casual. Try to get yourself in a corner where the AI has a group talking.

The Wise: Killed the least Civilians

To be safe, you can avoid killing anyone and hopefully everyone else has killed a civilian.

The Saint: Survived longest as UNCORRUPTED

This is in the Corruption Mode. It's best to lay a trap in front of a haystack with your default ability that puts a smoke grenade on the ground. If they go to the haystack, it will explode and you can stun them and run off.


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"assassins creed revelations - Make the Headlines achievement" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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irCent http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showpost.php?p=4687642&postcount=3 Could at least give some credit.

LOL nice way to catch him


xbox360achievements.org/forum/sho...ostcount=3 Could at least give some credit.