Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Comments on Possibility of Future Updates

Cyberpunk 2077's director, Gabe Amatangelo, has addressed the possibility of future updates to the game, stating that the game will only continue to receive small updates in the future. With last year seeing Cyberpunk 2077 getting one of its biggest updates yet, it looks like the game won't be receiving future patches of the same size.

Last year was a major moment for Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red's ambitious title was given a massive overhaul with the long-awaited 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty DLC. Thanks to this update and DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 reached the level it was intended to be at its notorious launch back in 2020. Although it was a long road to get to this moment, CD Projekt Red managed to pull off one of the biggest redemption stories in recent memory, giving life to a great RPG. The addition of such a large change like last year's 2.0 update may have some players wondering if more sizable upgrades are in the game's future, and the game's director has broken his silence on the topic.

In a recent interview with Game File, director Gabe Amatangelo made it clear that Cyberpunk 2077 is officially complete, and the game will only be receiving smaller updates in the future. As the sequelof Cyberpunk 2077 enters development, Amatangelo only sees quick fixes on the horizon for the first game that can be done easily.

When asked about the possibility of ongoing updates for Cyberpunk 2077, Amatangelo made it clear that the game is done, but with some exceptions. As long as it doesn't interfere with the work of other devs and is easily added to the game, then updates are welcome. "It's possible that there's some other little thing that comes in here or there, just because, as you're kind of messing around with stuff, sometimes you discover something that is not a high risk. Or it's easy to integrate. Or, you know, some developers have some bandwidth," he said. With the recent 2.11 patch finally bringing a little bit of vehicle customization to Rayfield branded cars, it's clear that these small updates can at least still bring some exciting changes to the game, even if Cyberpunk 2077 is essentially complete.

It's possible that there's some other little thing that comes in here or there, just because, as you're kind of messing around with stuff, sometimes you discover something that is not a high risk. Or it's easy to integrate. Or, you know, some developers have some bandwidth.

Despite the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 being years away, there are tons of things to do in the current game that give the RPG a great amount of replayability until more news about the sequel comes to light. For the game to have had such a rocky start, Cyberpunk 2077 has finally reached its full potential in many ways, and it will be exciting to see what all CD Projekt Red has learned from working on this game.

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a few more DLCs would suffice fr


They'll pry add another dlc randomly down the line