Super Double Dragon, Double Dragon Advance PS4 Ports Announced

Arc System Works announced on Friday that Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Advance will be receiving ports later this year, with the games set to arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Both ports are set to release on November 9, 2023 and will be digital-only titles. The classic beat ’em up action games will be available for 990 yen (around $7) and will be the first time both games have been ported in the 20 years that they’ve been out.

Originally released in 1992, Super Double Dragon only received a slightly enhanced version (called Return of Double Dragon) in 2018, and despite being officially licensed, was only guaranteed to work on third-party hardware.

Double Dragon Advance was released in 2003 and is a remake of the 1987 arcade game Double Dragon, incorporating elements from its sequels and home release.

Alongside the two ports, Arc System Works also announced that both Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Advance would be added into a bundle, titled the Double Dragon Collection, for a physical release for the Nintendo Switch. This will include both games, as well as Double Dragon, Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones, and Double Dragon IV.

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oh hell yeah!! we need more retro games like this for the new gens fr


This was always one of my favs back on the game boy ! So damn fun !