Final Fantasy 16 Will Showcase the Power of PS5, Says Developer

Final Fantasy 16 looks good – in fact, it looks real good. Speaking during a livestream, in the aftermath of the title’s recent release date trailer, producer Naoki Yoshida hinted that the console exclusive is really flexing the new-gen system’s power. He said, as translated by Genki on Twitter: “[The latest trailer is] all real-time rendering! [There’s] no loading! It’s become a game that is like, ‘Look at the power of the PS5!’”

The game’s due to launch on 22nd June, 2023, so assuming there are no delays, it’s little more than six months away. We have to agree with Yoshida that it’s one of the better looking PS5 titles on the horizon, although titles like Demon’s Souls and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart have already demonstrated just what Sony’s new-gen system is capable of. Hopefully, as cross-gen projects slowly fade away, we’ll begin to see the hardware exploited more.

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"Final Fantasy 16 Will Showcase the Power of PS5, Says Developer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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just hope the game can handle the console :P


That is crazy a lot of games but gotta wait until June for the next release


Crazy how there almost to 20 games lol