SNES Switch Controllers are Available to Purchase

Nintendo Switch Online members can now pre-order the classic SNES controllers.

You can now purchase Super Nintendo controllers for your Switch on Nintendo’s product page. They’ll cost $29.99, and orders will ship out later this week–September 18.

As of the time of this writing, only Switch online members are able to pre-purchase the controllers. However, they will surely be available for all to purchase soon. Nintendo’s NES controllers are now available at Amazon and other outlets, and I expect we’ll see a similarly wide release for the SNES ones.

A number of SNES games have been added to the Nintendo Switch recently. A ton of Nintendo’s first party classics are now on the system, including The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island, and Super Metroid, and there are even a few Capcom classics: Breath of Fire, Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, and Demon’s Crest. Access to the SNES library is available through Nintendo Switch Online, which costs about $4 per month.

The SNES Controller offers a more authentic way of experiencing these 16-bit era games. It is practically identical to the original North American SNES controllers, after all, so I can’t imagine a better way of playing SNES games.

Authenticity is also a bit of a burden, unfortunately. The SNES Controller has no control sticks, for example, and it has only two shoulder buttons in total. Obviously, such limitations won’t be an issue when you’re playing SNES games on the Switch, but they will make it unusable for newer games. As a result, the SNES Controller is sporting a much cheaper price than, say, the Pro Controller.

However, the new SNES Controller features one major upgrade. You can now use it wirelessly, and it comes complete with a USB port for charging.

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Looks amazing for the controller and a decent price as well.


will definitely be getting this controller very cool.