Death Stranding release date leaked, reportedly launching this year

Thanks to an accidental post on the Taiwanese PlayStation Facebook page, the Death Stranding release date leaked. According to the post, Death Stranding will launch on November 8 of this year. It’s been a wild morning for release-date news, as it looks like we may even be getting Death Stranding before The Last of Us 2!

Death Stranding has been hugely anticipated, and there’s been even more hype lately thanks to all of the mysterious tweets and a livestream countdown of sorts. In case you’ve somehow missed out on Death Stranding, here’s a quick overview: The cast is full of all-stars such as Norman Reedus, Léa Seydoux, and Mads Mikkelsen. Strangely, the thing we know the least about is the actual plot of the game. The surreal trailers have shown us black goop, a baby in a jar, and robotic attachments, among many other things, and our protagonist seems to travel to another world upon death. The character models and environments are beautifully rendered and there is so much puzzling content that even Professor Layton would surrender to this one.

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At least they have a date out now.


The hype for this game makes it inevitable that it'll flop in some capacity, but I'm excited to hear good things....


I am really hoping that Kojima delivers with this one.... So many garbage games have been released as of late and its depressing.