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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Data Detective

Tutorial Name: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Data Detective  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: Ryan

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Views: 240

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


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In Breach Mode, your first Darknet File, "Just What the Doctor Ordered," will become available after completing the second server in the Tier 1 Network. This case involves uncovering the truth behind a young girl's supposed death.

To start this file, you must read its Darknet File details in the "Darknet" tab. After reading the case notes on this screen, the game will more or less "guide" you through the mission; it first leads you to a new server where you're required to collect data fragments to retrieve the next clue of the case. Once this is done there will be a text chat with Shorthand. Following this chat, the game continues to pull you from mission to chat, mission to chat, until you are brought to the final server: a "boss battle" against an AI Unit.

This Unit is equip with Glass-Shield Cloak, Icarus Dash, and a Sniper Rifle, but is susceptible to Pistol damage. Make sure to take cover and pick your shots wisely. You should have no problem taking down the Unit within a few minutes.

After defeating the Unit and escaping the server, there will be one last short chat and the file will be completed, thus unlocking the achievement.


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