Xbox Store reveals the The Division file size

According to the Xbox Store, The Division’s full game size is not that much bigger than that of the beta.

The Xbox Store listing for The Division was recently updated to show the game’s size on Xbox One.

The store page lists a 32.29 GB file size, which is just a bit larger than the beta’s 27 GB. The Division isn’t out until March 8, which is a bit under a month away, and things could change. But for now, expect it to be around 33GB.

The map in the beta wasn’t very big, and that’s because Massive is saving up the majority of it for the final release.

The Division is reportedly due for an open beta in February.

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"Xbox Store reveals the The Division file size" :: Login/Create an Account :: 38 comments

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Not bad now that i have the external HDD. Before, i couldnt even download a demo because of lack of space from the console


Honestly isnt to big for file size, especially if you consider games similar to the division. It wont effect me anyway due to having a 5TB hard drive.


Doesn't really take up that much space.


32.29 GB really isn't all that big for how big this game is supposed to be. I am really looking forward to this game, and I honestly thought that this game would have had a bigger file like Destiny and what not like 50+ GB


27GB is pretty small for a game now. Im used to 40gb+


Strokes That's fine i have plenty of room for it

yeah I just made so much rooms for it. Cannot wait for this game!

Same. I deleted my old fifa data to make room for this and another game.


Strokes That's fine i have plenty of room for it

yeah I just made so much rooms for it. Cannot wait for this game!


That's fine i have plenty of room for it


Not too big of a game, but I think it still sucks that you have to load every game you buy onto the hard drive.


Ahh this is not to big considering how big the game looks