Battlefield Hardline 900p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One

Visceral Games confirmed the resolution details for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One today via Twitter. The PlayStation 4 version will be running at a higher resolution than that of the Xbox One version.

On PlayStation 4, the game will run at 900p and on Xbox One the game will run on 720p.

Battle Hardline launches March 17th on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.

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"Battlefield Hardline 900p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 63 comments

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VPN Wasn't the resolution already set for the beta? Xbox One needs to seriously step their game up.

It can't. The hardware can't support 1080p at all. Even the FPS is below 60...


Xianonic Playing on PC so its all good wont have to worry about this

Playing on Xbox one so its all good wont have to worry about this as i play games for fun not for the graphics or resolution.

is that all other PC gamers buy games for graphics and FPS. better graphics and FPS dont make a game better,

Enjoy your 720p 30FPS because Microsoft and Game devs don't care about your system or what you like. They just push out games/consoles and you all faithfully buy them without thinking.

It's normally 720p 60fps. Both Sony and Microsoft force games out sooner than they should be. Sony forces devs to higher the resolution, sacrificing stable FPS, and Xbox keeps it around 720p with a stable 60fps. (From what I have read and heard) - Either way, they're both bad consoles.

The xbox one is not 60FPS. It depends on the game first of all, but normally hovers from 30-40 according to most benchmarks.

I don't play PC for better graphics, resolution and FPS. I play PC because the overall experience to me is much more satisfying. Modding is so great on PC and I'm not talking about people playing and cheating in multiplayer games which happens more on consoles, but I am talking about Mods that add to the experience or even recreate a game. Plus there are far more games on PC. Also Steam is just all around better than Xbox Live or PSN. Gaming communities on PC tend to be a lot more organized than console communities. Teamspeak is also a lot better than console's party chat, if you know how to use it or have a reliable server.


Wasn't the resolution already set for the beta? Xbox One needs to seriously step their game up.


The graphics look great. If only every other game could promise these kinds of graphics.


Xianonic Playing on PC so its all good wont have to worry about this

Playing on Xbox one so its all good wont have to worry about this as i play games for fun not for the graphics or resolution.

is that all other PC gamers buy games for graphics and FPS. better graphics and FPS dont make a game better,

Enjoy your 720p 30FPS because Microsoft and Game devs don't care about your system or what you like. They just push out games/consoles and you all faithfully buy them without thinking.

It's normally 720p 60fps. Both Sony and Microsoft force games out sooner than they should be. Sony forces devs to higher the resolution, sacrificing stable FPS, and Xbox keeps it around 720p with a stable 60fps. (From what I have read and heard) - Either way, they're both bad consoles.

The xbox one is not 60FPS. It depends on the game first of all, but normally hovers from 30-40 according to most benchmarks.


Xianonic Playing on PC so its all good wont have to worry about this

Playing on Xbox one so its all good wont have to worry about this as i play games for fun not for the graphics or resolution.

is that all other PC gamers buy games for graphics and FPS. better graphics and FPS dont make a game better,

Enjoy your 720p 30FPS because Microsoft and Game devs don't care about your system or what you like. They just push out games/consoles and you all faithfully buy them without thinking.

It's normally 720p 60fps. Both Sony and Microsoft force games out sooner than they should be. Sony forces devs to higher the resolution, sacrificing stable FPS, and Xbox keeps it around 720p with a stable 60fps. (From what I have read and heard) - Either way, they're both bad consoles.


Xianonic Playing on PC so its all good wont have to worry about this

Playing on Xbox one so its all good wont have to worry about this as i play games for fun not for the graphics or resolution.

is that all other PC gamers buy games for graphics and FPS. better graphics and FPS dont make a game better,

Ahhh,the irony.
If you don't play for graphics or resolution, then why buy a "next-gen" console? Why not just stick to your PotatoBox 360 or your PS3?

When all of your fellow gaming friends move over to next-gen, you have no choice but to follow suit

Why buy something because everyone else is... That's not a good argument for why anyone would buy a sup-par console.


Xianonic Playing on PC so its all good wont have to worry about this

Playing on Xbox one so its all good wont have to worry about this as i play games for fun not for the graphics or resolution.

is that all other PC gamers buy games for graphics and FPS. better graphics and FPS dont make a game better,

Ahhh,the irony.
If you don't play for graphics or resolution, then why buy a "next-gen" console? Why not just stick to your PotatoBox 360 or your PS3?

When all of your fellow gaming friends move over to next-gen, you have no choice but to follow suit


Latias The fact that 1080p 60fps is not standard in 2015 is pathetic. The consoles are using cpu equivalent to many tablets, these consoles are more underpowered at launch than any generation prior.

Welcome to the console market, where sub-par hardware can be sold for 500$ and no one bats and eye.

PC build for 600$ That plays in 1080p 60FPS,
"PC Gaming is so expensive and it can't even beat a new awesome next-gen console"

Yet they will fight to the death saying PC gaming is too expensive. $500-600 PC will easily surpass a console and you get cheaper games with no online fee.


Erza is it that hard to make games in 1080p

For consoles it's impossible. so yes.