Minecraft Xbox One is on sale now

The game costs $19.99 US (or $4.99 US if you already own the Xbox 360 version), weighs in at 553.09 MB, and supports any and all Minecraft downloadable content you may have bought for Xbox 360. It's possible to transfer an Xbox 360 world to the new gen version but not vice versa - worlds can be up to 36 times larger on Xbox One, you see, which is too much geography for its elderly predecessor to process.

The game will be sold in stores as a download code later this month, with a disc-based offering to follow this winter. Read our interview with Mojang for details of DLC plans and platform differences. Newcomers may also wish to peruse this comprehensive guide to the Xbox 360 version - bigger worlds and 1080p visuals aside, the two versions are identical.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.totalxbox.com/80948/minecraft-xbox-one-is-on-sale-now/


"Minecraft Xbox One is on sale now" :: Login/Create an Account :: 59 comments

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I got it late last night, very fun


I went to look at the game in the X1 store and saw it was 5 dollars, then i remembered that my brother bought Minecraft a year ago.


How do i get the upgrade deal


Latency It has been on sale, but I like that it is only $5!

It is only $5 if you have the xbox 360 version which im sure almost everyone does.


From what ive heard from my friends it basically the same but new achievements so its not too bad.


It's pretty cool that you get a discount if you already have it on 360 but it would be better if you could play 360 games on one and also transfer DLC and games over too.


Its not bad expected more from it but it was cheap!! Good for achievements n if you like getting them early 800G already!!


Now if I only had an Xbox One right now.


It has been on sale, but I like that it is only $5!