Xbox One cloud updates may reboot host server mid-session, says MS

Xbox One’s cloud framework will update on a regular basis and this could lead to the host system rebooting mid-session, according to Xbox Live lead program manager at Microsoft John Bruno.

Bruno hosted a presentation at GDC Next yesterday entitled “On Demand Compute: Power For Games,” and IGameResponsibly was apparently there to hear what he had to say.

During the session, Bruno said that cloud-based system Xbox Live Compute has been in development for 18 months and is derived from Windows Azure tech. He conceded that the tech initially received criticsm from publishers such as Ubisoft early on, but that Respawn Entertainment was an easier sell.

Now, the studio is using Xbox Live Compute to offload many facets of Titanfall’s online play to the cloud, such as NPC AI, an more.

Touching on the issue of the Xbox One’s cloud-based updates Bruno explained, “Once in a while, rather frequently actually, the host OS will require an update, meaning the physical machine is going to get rebooted, whether your code is running or not. That’s a problematic thing for a game, and is oftentimes is in the middle of a multiplayer session, we’ve worked very hard to overcome that, but that’s not to say it’s going to be a reality in every case.”

This could be very problematic indeed. The site pressed Bruno on this issue and asked how disruptive these updates will be given Titanfall’s status as an online-only release. They also asked him about the worst-case scenario of Microsoft’s cloud servers failing altogether.

He replied, “I can’t answer that. I don’t know what the guys over at Titanfall have built into their game. It’s up to the game developer. If they want to rely more on our XBLC service, we’re happy to support that. We do provide a platform for them to persist data, but that’s up to the developer to utilize that.”

It begs the question of Titanfall’s performance without the cloud. Will it still run without cloud servers?

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"Xbox One cloud updates may reboot host server mid-session, says MS" :: Login/Create an Account :: 36 comments

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KAQ I can see glitches coming :/

The only true glitches I could see coming would be from the MS end where we wouldn't even realize or just being kicked off without an actual update.


VANAGON That would suck to be in the middle of a game and bam disconnected.

That would make me quite angry. I can see myself doing amazing in an online session and BAM, being disconnected and not having it count :/

It will probably happen a few times. But the good thing is, not a lot.

It wouldn't be such a disadvantage.
If it was only you being kicked off, now that would get old QUICK.


sethr Wouldn't it be more smart to just add a notice of when it will update? ie: Your playing a multiplayer game and a Xbox notification comes up in the middle of the screen: You have 10 minutes to reboot xbox one to update please save your game.. ect.

It wouldn't matter.
When the update comes, everyone would be kicked off.

You wouldn't miss out on anything.


Dominating As long as not day after day.

I'm sure they would be just like the patches now.
Maybe one or two a month.


VANAGON That would suck to be in the middle of a game and bam disconnected.

I seriously doubt it would kick you off mid game for a random update.
Even if it was to kick you off, at least everyone that was playing with you would have also of gotten kicked off for the update.


I'm sure problems like these will be worked out.
People shouldn't act like PS4 is flawless either.

Some were stuck on updating screens for ages.


this is gonna suck big time if it happens alot. hopefully they can find a way to fix it.


VANAGON That would suck to be in the middle of a game and bam disconnected.

That would make me quite angry. I can see myself doing amazing in an online session and BAM, being disconnected and not having it count :/


That would suck to be in the middle of a game and bam disconnected.


As long as not day after day.