Call of Duty: Ghosts features female soldiers in multiplayer

Call of Duty: Ghosts will include playable female soldiers in the multiplayer campaign, a video in Activision's multiplayer livestream event revealed. Developer Infinity Ward confirmed the addition with a tweet, "Yep, that was a female soldier #GhostsMP."

Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin mentioned the inclusion later on in the event: "And as you saw in the trailer, you can also play as a female soldier."

This is the first time female soldiers are playable, in multiplayer or in the campaign, in Call of Duty history.

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"Call of Duty: Ghosts features female soldiers in multiplayer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 77 comments

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its good to see that ttg are posting the little info like this we get everything then ;) but i think adding a female character is going to end up being a good thing in moy opinion


Pinballs Why would you even make a post about this ? so what if they put girls in ? that's good

They do this that way people know more about the game! Also these News posts get looked and approved by staff! So the staff agree this should be posted to!


XxSerious_SamxX OK so they have put females in call of duty they better of put kitchens in too.

You wonder why you can't get girls?


Funny how this is News. I think that its good though.


XxSerious_SamxX OK so they have put females in call of duty they better of put kitchens in too.

You win the internet today.


Win for equality.


LuckyOtter Well only took them 6 years...

Women were in 6 years ago. You just couldn't be them as a character.


I really don't care but this is good for equality's sake..


agentbutters Ok...So? Female characters have been in games for years, this isnt anything special.

But it's a call of duty first.

Oh that makes it amazing then, right?


agentbutters Ok...So? Female characters have been in games for years, this isnt anything special.

But it's a call of duty first.

But, they could have done this a long ass time ago. My question is though, is there a black character?

Yes there is... and there has been...