Sega Doesn’t Intend to Release More Retro Mini Consoles

With the Genesis Mini and Genesis Mini 2, Sega tried its hand at the retro mini console trend and saw its fair share of success- though it doesn’t look like the company intends to do anything else in that space anytime soon, in case you’re hoping for a Dreamcast Mini one of these days.

Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, Sega president and COO Shuji Utsumi stated that the company isn’t looking to make a new retro mini console. As per Utsumi, the company’s focus is instead on looking ahead to the future and delivering “something new”.

“I’m not going for the Mini direction. It’s not me. I want to embrace modern gamers,” Utsumi said.

“We are not a retro company,” he added. “We really appreciate our legacy, we value it, but at the same time, we want to deliver something new – otherwise we’ll become history. That’s not what we’re aiming for.”

Talk of a Dreamcast Mini or Saturn Mini has popped up time and again over the last year years, though the chances of those actually happening have looked increasingly unlikely at best.

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"Sega Doesn’t Intend to Release More Retro Mini Consoles" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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yeah, best to leave those in the past

they were good games and consoles in their day


not surprised as the shelf's are still full of them they probably would have sold more if we could actually use our retro games on these consoles and not me locked to 15 emulated games


Thank god they would just go to waste