Nintendo airs first Wii U commercial on national TV

The 60-second TV spot lists a number of new features that the Wii U offers with an extremely chipper British voice over in the style of an infomercial.
The ad doesn't look like it was made with a big budget, in fact it looks more like a fan-made commercial put up on YouTube. The commercial is strange and will have you raising your eyebrows when you watch it, but it works. It highlights what the Wii U does differently to other consoles, shows off the main launch titles and most importantly it's fun.

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"Nintendo airs first Wii U commercial on national TV" :: Login/Create an Account :: 12 comments

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I Havent Seen Any Ads On TV ??


Oasis I like it, gets the point across, I might consider getting one just for parties etc. The Wii was always better when played with others.

I have to agree. LOL


No need for advertising, it's going to do good anyways because parent's think their little ones will like it.


not that good atleast i dont think so looks like somthing a little kid would like but just to much effort for not that much fun


this is kinds a good idea but its kinda like psp?


Still not enough for me to spend the money on it.


They showed a lot but its not as good as the 360 or PS its more of a game to play or use when in a long road trip or sitting board af at the airport.


The commercial explains a lot, but it still hasn't grabbed my attention so I still won't get it.


I was at gamestop and saw this. It looks pretty sick.


I like it, gets the point across, I might consider getting one just for parties etc. The Wii was always better when played with others.