Brutal Legend's four-on-four multiplayer (vaguely) detailed


Lo, what is this?'s info page for Brütal Legend actually contains some noteworthy ... info on the game? It's true, and said info has to do with the game's yet-to-be-revealed multiplayer component -- y'know, the one that provided the basis for the single-player game's strategy elements?
According to the site, the game will include a four-on-four XBL skirmish mode which "marries action combat with a strategic unit-control mechanic," and sees each player battling "as the leader of one of the factions in the game." Given that the single-player game will feature showdowns between whole armies comprised of numerous specialized units, we can see this "skirmish" becoming a full-on war -- a "battle of the bands," if you will, only with lives on the line in lieu of recording contracts. (Isn't it always better that way, really?)



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not sure if i will get this yet