PS5 Gets First Post-Launch Firmware Update

After a lot of anticipation, the PS5 launched last week (in select regions, anyway). By and large, the system itself has been warmly well-received, you can see how we felt about it through here. However, like all launches, there were some issues. Some users reported having problems with the sleep mode, external hard drives, and there seems to be a nasty bug that basically will not allow you to download updates to games. Well, the first post-launch firmware update is here, but god only knows what it actually does.

The firmware update brings the console up to 20.02-02.25.00 and is only 868MB of data. If you’re familiar with the PS4, unfortunately, you’re probably also familiar with Sony’s vagueness in a lot of patch notes, and for the first PS5 one it is only “improves system performance,” so the beloved stability updates seem to be back. As of now Sony hasn’t commented on any of the reported issues so whether this update does anything to address all of that is anyone’s guess.

The PlayStation 5 and the new update are available now in some regions with a full international rollout coming later this week on the 19th.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum



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