Gamescom Game Trailer Updates - August 19th 2011

The final batch of trailers and developer interviews have hit the internet from Gamescom ready to tantalise taste buds and make you wish that time travel was indeed possible. To save you trolling countless sites and pages in a bid to catch-up on everything that’s been going on, TheTechGame has done the leg work for you, and combined all these tasty treats in one Gamescom video update-a-thon! So feast your eyes and ears on these little gems, and prepare to be very, very jealous!!

Dragon's Dogma And Its Pawns

Dust 514 -- Most Ambitious Game of the Show?

Risen 2 -- The RPG Hardcore Players Want

Tera: Kicking Tail (Off-Screen)

DmC: Devil May Cry Demystified

Ghost Recon Future Soldier: Snipping (Off-Screen)

Mario Kart : Racing with Koppa ( Off-Screen)

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker: Sneak Attack (Off-Screen)

NeverDead: Fountain Explosion (Off-Screen)

Trials Evolution Revs Up

Kid Icarus Uprising: One Man Army (Off-Screen)


Star Fox 64 3D: Fran Goes for Gold (Off-Screen)

Gotham City Imposters

Binary Domain

Anno 2070

The Secret World

Green Lantern DLC Trailer

Trine 2 trailer charms with co-op

Silent Hill: Book of Memories

Prototype 2



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*mario kart video not working!*