Netflix streaming coming to PS3

Looks like rumors are flying that Netflix, the online DVD rental & video streaming service, may be coming to the Sony Playstation 3 console. While this may not be surprising to some as the Xbox 360 already has the the service support built into the Xbox 360 since the NXE update, but what may be surprising is the method that they are going to do it.

Netflix, will require a special disc that will allow streaming of any movie to the console. What this disc actually does no one is really sure, we can only guess that it will be some sort of DRM will be loaded onto the PS3 to make the movies work. It also looks like the disc itself will cost around $9.99 US.

The bigger question is, if support for Netflix is coming, why can't they add native support of the client via a firmware update?



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I think this should just be feature in xbox 360