Respawn Confirms New Modes Are Coming To Apex Legends

There's really only one criticism that PS4, Xbox One, and PC gamers can lodge against Apex Legends: it's light on content. Thankfully, this is something developer Respawn Entertainment is well aware of, and will likely solve by expanding the game's content offering with new modes and different ways to experience the shooter in the near-future.

More specifically, recently a player on Reddit asked Respawn if it has been "exploring new ways to play." The user then notes many players want solo/duos added to the game, while others want features like private lobbies and skill-based matchmaking. Responding to this, a community manager for the studio confirmed it is, but, as you would expect, Respawn isn't ready to talk about anything right now.

The community manager also confirmed that Respawn has heard the issues of the game's higher level progression issues, chiefly that progression is too slow and not rewarding enough. Apparently, Respawn will be talking more about this issue in June, which is when Season 2 is expected to go live.

The player also asked about in-game events and whether Respawn has any plans for them, which the community manger responded to with "no comment," which seems to suggest that, yes, it does.

And lastly, the player brought up to the community manager the pacing issues that sometimes happen in the middle of the games when the circle is too big for the number of squads left. Respawn is apparently aware of this issue, but for the moment, isn't sure of the correct way to address it.

As you can see, there's not a lot of concrete information here, but at least we know new type of content is on the way.

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"Respawn Confirms New Modes Are Coming To Apex Legends" :: Login/Create an Account :: 7 comments

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Looks cool what they're doing!


This is cool. New mod are coming out .


Great to see new modes coming to the game.


Should have had different squad modes for it when it first launched. Sadly I lost interest in this game fast.


This is needed, however I think Apex's chance has long passed..they're too slow to update and didn't build the a sustained base to stay competitive unfortunately.


It has need solos, duos, and squads for so long. They should have at least tried in the beginning instead of saying that's not how the game is meant to be played. That was very annoying and part of the reason I don't play much is cause there is no squads so one friend is always left out.


Apex definitely needs new game modes to spice up their game. Hopefully these new game modes will help.